CVPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-308/2024/ 558 Date- 07.09.2024 | Setting up of Modular Offices in Office Block 1 n 2 of Pakal Dul Hydro Electric Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, JnK.
| 07-Sep-2024 | 28-Sep-2024 | |
CVPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-307 /2024/564 Date-31.08.2024 | Renovation of A-Type building located near Circular Park, handed over by DPS to Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 31-Aug-2024 | 21-Sep-2024 | |
CVPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-306/2024/557 Date-29.08.2024 | Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD +15/300 to +15/600) KM at CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K
| 29-Aug-2024 | 19-Sep-2024 | |
CVPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-305 /2024/539 Date-23.08.2024 | Upgradation of Entrances and Railing & Roofing of Staircases of Office Block 1 & 2 of PDHEP at Semna Colony, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 23-Aug-2024 | 13-Sep-2024 | |
CVPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-304/2024/473 Date: 08.08.2024 | Widening of Road and Construction of RRM walls, PCC Works, Road Work, Slope cutting from Bhandarkoot to Drangdooru Dam Sites RD (11/600 to RD 11/740) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 08-Aug-2024 | 29-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-303/2024/467 DATED: 07.08.2024 | Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project RD (7/325 to RD 7/625), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 07-Aug-2024 | 28-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/5092119 Date:13-07-2024 | Purchase of double bed for the employee of Pakal Dul HE Project Kishtwar.
| 13-Jul-2024 | 03-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/5113819 Date:27-07-2024 | Purchase of LED Tv’s for employees residing at NHPC Colony, Kishtwar and Field Hostel at Dam and Power House Site of Pakal Dul HE Project.
| 27-Jul-2024 | 17-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/5132114 Date:27-07-2024 | Procurement of 01 no. Ambulance Type –D (BS6) with medical equipment’s for Pakal Dul H.E Project Kishtwar
Corrigendum#1 Corrigendum Extension of Bid Submission date and time upto 27.08.2024,13:00Hrs Corrigendum#2 Corrigendum Extension of Bid Submission date and time upto 06.09.2024,13:00Hr Corrigendum#3 Corrigendum Extension of Bid Submission date and time upto 16.09.2024,13:00Hr NEW | 27-Jul-2024 | 17-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-302/2024/ 446 Date-26.07.2024 | Renovation/upgradation of C0 & C1 type Quarters hired by PDHEP from DPS at DSB and Semna Colony, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K
| 26-Jul-2024 | 16-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-301/2024/ 445 Date-26.07.2024 | Renovation of Internal Electrical wiring of A-type, B-type and C-1 type quarters under the possession of Pakal Dul H.E Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K
| 26-Jul-2024 | 16-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-300/2024/ 436 Date-23.07.2024 | Renovation/upgradation of A & B type Quarters hired by PDHEP from DPS at DSB and Semna Colony, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 23-Jul-2024 | 13-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-299/2024/ 430 Date-18.07.2024 | Internal Wiring/renovation of villas under the possession of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K
| 18-Jul-2024 | 08-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-298/2024/ 421 Date-17.07.2024 | Renovations/ Upgradation of Villas hired by PDHEP from DPS for senior officers of Pakal Dul HE Project at DSB & Semna Colony, CVPPPL, Kishtwar ,&K.
Corrigendum01 Modification of UNIT of BOQ item
Extension of Bid Submission Date and Bid Opening Date Corrigendum for Revised BOQ Revised BOQ for Renovations-Upgradation of Villas hired by PDHEP from DPS for senior officers of Pakal Dul HE Project at DSB and Semna Colony, CVPPPL, Kishtwar JnK NEW | 17-Jul-2024 | 07-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-297/ 2024/ 420 Date-17.07.2024 | Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 5/975 to RD 6/275), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K
| 17-Jul-2024 | 07-Aug-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-296 /2024/372 Date-03.07.2024 | Construction of Prefab Structures including 2 Nos VIP Rooms and Field Hostel/Bachelor Accommodation Comprising of 10 Rooms and a Hall for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, J&K.
| 03-Jul-2024 | 24-Jul-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4989404 Date:01.07.2024 | Purchase of 02 nos. 20 kVA Online UPS along with Battery, Rack and other necessary accessories for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.
| 01-Jul-2024 | 22-Jul-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-295 /2024/327 Date-20.06.2024 | Fencing, Pavement & Landscaping etc. near Dulhasti Bhawan, around the proposed prefabricated accommodations of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 20-Jun-2024 | 11-Jul-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4991495 Date:08-06-2024 | Purchase of OFC Splicing Machine, OTDR along with necessary accessories for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar
Corrigendum#1 Corrigendum for Extension of Bid submission date and time upto 09.07.2024,12:00PM Corrigendum02 Corrigendum02 Corrigendum03 Corrigendum-03 for Extension of Bid submission date and time upto 29.07.2024,12:00PM NEW | 08-Jun-2024 | 29-Jun-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4877530 Date:31.05.2024 | Providing manpower services for Electrical R&M of establishments of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, for one-year period
Corrigendum-Cancellation of GeM Bid The GeM bid has been Cancelled due to Technical Reason NEW | 31-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-294/2024/190 Dated: 27.05.2024 | Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 0/0 to RD 0/300), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 27-May-2024 | 17-Jun-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-293/2024/178 Dated: 23.05.2024 | Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 0/600 to RD 0/900), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 23-May-2024 | 13-Jun-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-292/2024/173 Dated: 22.05.2024 | Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 0/300 to RD 0/600), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 22-May-2024 | 12-Jun-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-291/2024/158 Dated: 16.05.2024 | Construction of Retaining Walls for Slope Protection along the Bhandarkoot-Drangdooru Road in between RD (14/900 – 15/25) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K
| 17-May-2024 | 01-Jun-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4882919 Dated/दनांक : 03-05-2024 | Purchase of one no interactive TV panel along with accessories for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.
| 03-May-2024 | 24-May-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-289/2024/132 Dated:07.05.2024 | Construction of Store Room and Record Room Near Site Office (Drangdhuran) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, J&K.
| 07-May-2024 | 28-May-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-290/2024/135 Dated: 08.05.2024 | Construction of Retaining Walls for Slope Protection along the Bhandarkoot-Drangdooru Road in between RD (7/100 – 7/400) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K
| 08-May-2024 | 23-May-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-288/2024/79 Dated: 18.04.2024 | Construction of Bridal Path for the Tunder Village (Right Bank Side) & Sounder PMGSY Road (Left Bank Side) from Newly Constructed Foot Suspension Bridge at U/s Side of Dam of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 18-Apr-2024 | 09-May-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4801667 Date:20-04-2024 | Purchase of 02 Nos. Laptops for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar
Corrigendum - Cancellation of GeM Bid NEW | 20-Apr-2024 | 11-May-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT- 287/2024/187 Dated: 17.04.2024 | Wooden Work/Paneling in Dam Site Office, Conference Hall, Dining Hall and Field Hostel Rooms for Senior Officers/Visitors at Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, J&K
| 17-Apr-2024 | 08-May-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-286/2024/977 Date – 22.03.2024 | Electrification of Rooms of Field Hostel, Dining Hall of Field Hostel and Washrooms of Office Complex at Pakal Dul H.E. Project, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 22-Mar-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT- 285/2024/967 Dated:21.03.2024 | River Bank Protection/Road Protection Works Near Bhandarkoot Bridge for Road Connecting Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
Corrigendum01 Extension of Bid Submission date NEW | 21-Mar-2024 | 05-Apr-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-284/2024/966 Dated: 21.03.2024 | Construction of Shed on Second Floor of Field Hostel at Power House Site of Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
Corrigendum01 Work is now reserved for Project Affected Families (PAF) and/or Locals. NEW | 21-Mar-2024 | 11-Apr-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-283/2024/964 Date – 21.03.2024 | Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Street Lights on 8 meter ST Pole around the Premises of Office cum Field Hostel at DAM Site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
Corrigendum01 Extension of Bid Submisiion Date and Tender Opening Date Corrigendum02 Extension of Bid Submission Date & Tender Opening Date Corrigendum 03 Extension of Bid Submission Date and Tender Opening Date NEW | 21-Mar-2024 | 11-Apr-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-282/2024/937 Date - 13.03.2024 | Internal Electric Wiring at Administrative Office Complex of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 13-Mar-2024 | 03-Apr-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4759211 | Development of 03 nos Hydrographic and Topographic Sections along the two nos EWS site locations as well as GD Site at Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project
Corrigendum - Cancellation of GeM Bid NEW | 15-Mar-2024 | 25-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4659338 | Purchase of 13 Nos. Scanners for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.
| 07-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4500102 | Purchase of Toner /Drum Cartridges of Printers & Multi-function heavy-duty printers installed at Pakal Dul HE Project Kishtwar.
Corrigendum-Cancellation of GeM Bid The Bid has been cancelled due to Technical reason NEW | 07-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4653653 | Purchase of 14 nos. All-in –One PCs along with 14 Nos. UPS for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.
I Bid has been extended up to 05.04.2024. Corrigendum#2 Extension of Bid submission date upto 15.04.2024 Corrigendum#3 Bid submission date has been extended upto 22.04.2024 Corrigendum-Cancellation of GeM Bid The Bid has been cancelled due to Technical reason NEW | 05-Mar-2024 | 26-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4683921 | Purchase of furniture for ED Office and HOP Residence office of Pakal Dul HE project Kishtwar.
I Bid has been extended up to 05.04.2024. Corrigendum#2 Extension of Bid submission date upto 15.04.2024 Corrigendum#3 Bid Submission date has been extended upto 22.04.2024 NEW | 05-Mar-2024 | 26-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4506533 | Purchase of LED TV for conference hall of office complex of Dam Site, Drangdhuran
Corrigendum-Cancellation of GeM Bid The GeM Bid has been cancelled due to technical reason on dated 24.06.2024 NEW | 27-Feb-2024 | 19-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4507868 | Purchase of Sound System for conference hall of office complex of Dam Site, Drangdhuran.
I Bid has been extended up to 29.03.2024 Corrigendum#2 Bid has been extended upto 08.04.2024, 15:00Hrs Corrigendum-Cancellation of GeM Bid The Bid has been cancelled due to Technical reason NEW | 27-Feb-2024 | 19-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2023/B/4370188 | Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of computers, printers, UPS and peripherals installed at Pakal Dul HE Project for the period of one year.
Corrigendum-Cancellation of GeM Bid Tender has been cancelled due to technical reason. NEW | 16-Feb-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4586980 | “Upkeeping of Site office & Field Hostel at Power House Dool of Pakal Dul HE projects”.
| 15-Feb-2024 | 01-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4479913 | Purchase for establishing Laboratory at Dam site office for silt analysis of water sample of Marusudar River.
I GeM Bid Extended up to 12.03.2024 Corrigendum02 Bid submission date extension NEW | 10-Feb-2024 | 02-Mar-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4547225 | Purchase of Keyboard and Mouse Combo Kits for Computers at Pakal Dul HE Project.
I GeM Bid has been extended up to 09.03.2024. Corrigendum02 Corrigendum of Bid submission date and time III Bid has been extended up to 26.03.2024 Corrigendum-Cancellation of GeM Bid The Bid has been Cancelled due to Technical reason NEW | 07-Feb-2024 | 28-Feb-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-281/2024/789 Date -06.02.2024 | Shifting of Portion of 33 KV Dul-I and Dul-II lines falling near the Premises of Ghumai Nag Temple at Dul Village.
| 06-Feb-2024 | 27-Feb-2024 | Tenders Closed |
GEM/2024/B/4486050 | Procurement of Electrical Items for R&M of office buildings & residential quarters Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 05-Feb-2024 | 26-Feb-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-280/2024/751 Date-17.01.2024 | Electrification of Proposed Drivers Room at Field Hostel and Gazebo at Field Hostel and D-5 Quarter of Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 17-Jan-2024 | 07-Feb-2024 | Tenders Closed |
CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-279/2024/745 Date – 15.01.2024 | Internal Electrical Wiring of Proposed Rest Room at Power House of Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.
| 15-Jan-2024 | 05-Feb-2024 | Tenders Closed |