Show By Year

Tenders : Kwar Project, Kishtwar

Tender No. Tender Details Notification Date Closing Date Document
CVPPL/KWAR/PNC/NIT04/2024-25/309 Dt 21.01.2025Engagement of DGR Security for Kwar H.E Project (540MW), CVPPL, Kishtwar for two years.( Tender id : 2025_CVPP_845401)
22-Jan-2025 06-Feb-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5752365 DT 14.01.2025Upkeeping of accommodations and Site Office of Kwar HE Project at Padyarna
14-Jan-2025 04-Feb-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5600845 Dated: 30-12-2024Requirement of purchasing Trimble Tunnel Module with Trimble Business Centre (TBC) Advance Software, 01 No. Prism Pole for Trimble Model S5 Total Station for Survey work in underground and surface.

Bid date extended by seven days as bids were received.  NEW
30-Dec-2024 28-Jan-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5666469 dated 07.12.2024Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 200 KVA DG set for newly constructed prefab housing at Padyarna for Kwar Hydroelectric Project, Kishtwar
07-Dec-2024 17-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5617358 dated 05.12.2024Supply, installation, and commissioning of Power Distribution Panel and TPN Distribution for prefabricated building Padyarna of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar
05-Dec-2024 26-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5636195 dated 05.12.2024Kwar HE Project (540 MW) – Regarding implementation of Publc Health Delivery System under EMP
05-Dec-2024 26-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5574175 dated 22.11.2024Upkeeping of accommodations and Administrative Office Complex of Kwar HE Project at Shalimar & Kishtwar

No: CVPP/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/121  NEW
22-Nov-2024 11-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5596647 dated 21.11.2024Providing Services of Manpower for Kwar HE Project at Padyarna & Kishtwar

No: CVPP/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/125  NEW
21-Nov-2024 11-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5593074 Dated 21.11.2024Upkeeping of accommodation and services of Surveyor, Driver for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

No: CVPP/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/126  NEW
21-Nov-2024 11-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5591381 Dated:16.11.2024Hiring of 01 (one) No. of Mahindra Scorpio S11 for Kwar HE Project, CVPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of Twenty-Four (24) Months.
16-Nov-2024 26-Nov-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5580074 Dated:11.11.2024Purchase of 5 Nos. Autodesk AutoCad (Civil - 3D) software licenses for Kwar HE Project

No: CVPP/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/124  NEW
11-Nov-2024 11-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5576813 Dated:11.11.2024Procurement of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) for Kwar Hydro-Electric Project, Kishtwar - Safety Helmet

No: CVPP/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/122  NEW
11-Nov-2024 11-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5576434Procurement of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Kwar Hydro-electric project, Kishtwar (06 items)

No: CVPP/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/123  NEW
11-Nov-2024 11-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5501983 Date 30.10.2024Purchase of furniture items for establishment of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar (02 items- Mattress)
30-Oct-2024 09-Nov-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5381441 Dated 28.09.2024Supply Installation Testing and commissioning (SITC) of CCTV Camera networking and allied hardware with 3 years onsite support for Kwar HE Project
28-Sep-2024 19-Oct-2024Tenders Closed
gem/2024/5365926 Dated 23.09.2024Purchase of Automatic Weather Station for Kwar HE Project, to provide real time weather monitoring of accurate local forecasting, global data integration and sharing, ease of use, convenience and comfort, and remote access
23-Sep-2024 14-Oct-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5337026 Dated 11.09.2024Supply Installation Testing and commissioning of 200 KVA DG set for newly constructed prefeb housing at Padyarna for KWar HE Project, Kishtwar

CVPPPL/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/120  NEW
11-Sep-2024 07-Oct-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5260070 dated 03.09.2024Installation of 50 Mbps ILL connectivity at Site Office, Kwar HE Project, Padyarna, Kishtwar for a period of 2 years

CVPPPL/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/119 dated 30.11.2024  NEW
03-Sep-2024 24-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5308972 Dated 02.09.2024Purchase of Furniture Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar (7 items)
02-Sep-2024 12-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
NIT NO: CVPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT-03/ 2024-25/53 Dt. 26.08.2024Black Topping of Road and other allied works in front of office complex of Kwar HE Project.

CVPPL/Kwar HEP/GSM/C&P/2024-25/82  NEW
27-Aug-2024 17-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5275905 dated 20.08.2024Purchase of Oracle Primavera P6 PPM (Project Portfolio Management) Software for Kwar HE Project
20-Aug-2024 19-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5233222 dated 19.08.2024Purchase of Steel Almirah/Wardrobes for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar.
19-Aug-2024 29-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5215284 dated 16.08.2024क्वार एचईपी, किश्तवाड़ के प्रतिष्ठानों के लिए स्टेबलाइजर्स और एमसीबी के साथ एयर कंडीशनर की खरीद
16-Aug-2024 06-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2024-25/02 dated 06.08.2024Engagement of Security Personnel from DGR Sponsored Agency for two years at Kwar H.E Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

CVPPL/Kwar HEP/GSM/C&P/2024-25/84  NEW
08-Aug-2024 29-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4993566 dated 31.05.2024Purchase of electrical items for prefab Hut at Padyrna of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar
31-May-2024 10-Jun-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5227684 dated 03.08.2024Purchase of Electrical Fitting Items for B Type Quarters, A Type Quarters, and Site Office of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar (5 items)
03-Aug-2024 24-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5216781 dated 03.08.2024Purchase of Electrical Fitting Items for B Type Quarters, A Type Quarters, and Site Office of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar (52 items)
03-Aug-2024 24-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2024-25/01 dated 18.07.2024Construction of Boundary Wall on Left Bank of Kwar HE Project Site, Padyarna Kishtwar (J&K)

CVPPL/KwarHEP/P&C/2024-25/134 Dated 10.12.2024  NEW
20-Jul-2024 10-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5129437 dated 11.07.2024Kwar HE Project (540 MW) – Regarding implementation of Public Health Delivery System under EMP
11-Jul-2024 01-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4999712Proposal for SITC of CCTV cameras, networking and allied hardware for Kwar HE Project.

GEM/2024/B/4999712-C5  NEW
15-Jun-2024 17-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5088903“Purchase of Furnishing Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar.”[[]05 ITEMS]
01-Jul-2024 22-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5073116“Purchase of Furnishing Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar.”[[]14 ITEMS]
01-Jul-2024 22-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5028178Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for 04 nos. Photocopy Machine installed at Kwar HEP Office, Kishtwar.
01-Jul-2024 16-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5003133“Purchase of Electrical Items & tools for Kwar HE Project Kishtwar for Kwar HE Project Kishtwar” (ELECTRICAL ITEMS).

Cancellation Order  NEW
07-Jun-2024 06-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4951282 dated 27.05.2024Supply & Installation of Prefab Building Hall with attached washroom using PUF panels for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar.
27-May-2024 17-Jun-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4880858 dated 18.05.2024Purchase of Electronic Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar
18-May-2024 28-May-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4871563 dated 29.04.2024Hiring of 01 (one) no of Mahindra Scorpio for a period of 24 months for Kwar HEP, CVPPPL, Kishtwar
29-Apr-2024 09-May-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4805818 dated 02.04.2024Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer, Laptop, Printer, UPS & other IT-Miscellaneous Items installed at Kwar HE Project for one year.
02-Apr-2024 17-Apr-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4822676Purchase of Computed Radiography System for Kwar HE Project under CSR activities
31-Mar-2024 15-Apr-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4764047Purchase of New tyres for Departmental Vehicle Mahindra Scorpio (JK17-6964) for Kwar HEP project Kishtwar
12-Mar-2024 22-Mar-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4742433Purchase of Electrical Items, Sanitary Items and tools for Kwar HE Project Kishtwar
12-Mar-2024 22-Mar-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/10Repair and Renovation of B Type for the use of Kwar HE Project,
Kishtwar J&K
11-Mar-2024 02-Apr-2024Tenders Closed
NIT NO: CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/09Construction of Chain Link fencing/Compound Wall around site Office including construction of Store, Washroom and other Civil Works etc. at Site Office of Kwar HE Project at Padyarna, Kishtwar
05-Mar-2024 26-Mar-2024Tenders Closed
NIT NO: CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/08Construction of Public Toilet Block at Padyarna, Kishtwar
04-Mar-2024 26-Mar-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPPL/KWAR/PnC/NIT/2023-24/07Construction of Protection wall for Graveyard at Kwar HE Project at Padyarna, Kishtwar
01-Mar-2024 23-Mar-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2023/B/4398312Engagement of consultant for preparation of revised Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan of Kwar HE Project (540MW)
02-Feb-2024 23-Feb-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4522666Purchase of Furnishing and other Misc Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar
27-Jan-2024 06-Feb-2024Tenders Closed
21-Jan-2024 02-Feb-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4496611 : 19-01-2024Purchase of one number PTZ Indoor Camera and Microphone for Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

19-Jan-2024 29-Jan-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2023/B/4364688Hiring of seven (07) number of vehicles for Kwar HEP including one (01) Toyota Innova Crysta GX 7 Seater Captain Seat, five (05) Mahindra Bolero B6(opt) BS VI & one Tata Yodha Pickup Crew 4×2" [[]Rebidding of Two Mahindra Bolero B6(opt) BS VI]
12-Jan-2024 02-Feb-2024Tenders Closed

For NIT's issued before 2013 CLICK HERE