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Tenders : Kiru Project, Kishtwar

Tender No. Tender Details Notification Date Closing Date Document
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-38/2024-25/657 dated 17.03.2025Development of benches by providing Retaining Walls at Kiru HEP, Patharnaki, Dist. Kishtwar.
17-Mar-2025 07-Apr-2025Login
GEM/2025/B/5980590 Dated 21-02-2025Purchase of residential and official Furniture/furnishing material for furnishing of Residential and official accommodation at Kishtwar and Pathernaki and other basic amenities.
21-Feb-2025 14-Mar-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2025/B/5935111 dated 11-02-2025Single Tender on PAC basis reserved for M/s AIMIL Ltd. of “Supply & installation of new Non-Contact Radar based Velocity Sensor for Early Flood Warning System (EFWS) for Kiru HEP, Kishtwar.
11-Feb-2025 26-Feb-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2025/B/5907150 dated 04-02-2025Upkeeping of Kiru site office Field Hostels and other miscellaneous works at Patharnaki Kiru HE Project.
04-Feb-2025 25-Feb-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2025/B/5901175 dated 03-02-2025Purchase of household items for Kiru HEP Kishtwar.
03-Feb-2025 24-Feb-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2025/B/5889829 dated 30-01-2025Supply & Distribution of Potable Water for DSB/Semna colony in Kiru HEP, Kishtwar for a period of two years.
30-Jan-2025 20-Feb-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2025/B/5867537 Dated 25-01-2025Comprehensive Maintenance & Support Contract of Computers, Printers, UPS & Networking equipment.
25-Jan-2025 15-Feb-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5744613 dated 24-12-2024Supply, Installation and Integration of Audio Conference System with Existing Video Conference System at Administrative & Site offices of Kiru HEP, Kishtwar.
23-Dec-2024 13-Jan-2025Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-33/2024-25/483 dated 19/12/2024Design, Manufacturing, Supply & Erection of G+1 building at Patharnaki, Kiru HEP, Dist. Kishtwar.

Corrigendum #1  NEW
19-Dec-2024 15-Jan-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5680137 dated: 09.12.2024Hiring of Mahindra Bolero Neo N4 or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project.
09-Dec-2024 30-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-31/2024-25/448 dated 02.12.2024.Establishment of Gauges for 02 No. additional EFWS/G&D Sites at Village Gulabgarh and Massu, Paddar for Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar.

Corrigendum #1
Corrigendum-II  NEW
03-Dec-2024 25-Jan-2025Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5658530 dated 27-11-2024Supply & Installation of AMF Panel for 125 KVA DG Set (Cumins Make) for site office of Kiru HE Project (Single tender basis for M/s PAL SVAM Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd.)
27-Nov-2024 18-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5653381 dated 26-11-2024Running and Maintenance of Electrical Installations at Semna colony Kishtwar and at Kiru Site Pathernaki of Kiru HE Project.
26-Nov-2024 11-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-29/2024-25/438 dated 26.11.2024Providing RCC foundation and miscellaneous civil works for the proposed pre-fabricated field hostel building at Patharnaki, Kiru HEP, Dist. Kishtwar.
26-Nov-2024 17-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5644834 Dated: 25.11.2024Hiring of Mahindra Bolero Camper double cabin or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project.
25-Nov-2024 16-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5638336 Dated 22-11-2024Taking of Hydrographic Survey Under water River cross section of River Chenab and Bhut Nallah at different locations of Kiru HE Project Kishtwar JK.
22-Nov-2024 13-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5622841 Dated: 19.11.2024Hiring of Mahindra Scorpio Classic S or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project.
19-Nov-2024 10-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5596167 Dated: 11-11-2024Purchase of furniture and fixtures for field hostels at Patharnaki, Dist. Kishtwar.
11-Nov-2024 02-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5540863Hiring of New Bus (22+D seating capacity or higher) for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project’

Tender cancelled  NEW
24-Oct-2024 23-Nov-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5541459Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero B4 or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project”.
24-Oct-2024 23-Nov-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/(P&C)/PKG C-23/2024-25/338 Dated 18.10.2024Providing flowerpots made of cement concrete at Kiru HEP, Patharnaki, Distt. Kishtwar

Tender cancelled  NEW
18-Oct-2024 23-Dec-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-22/2024-25/334 dated 16.10.2024Repairing/ Renovation and upgradation (Civil works) of A- Type quarters at Semna Colony Kishtwar.
16-Oct-2024 06-Nov-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-21/2024-25/325 dated 05.10.2024Construction of temporary Store Shed for Electrical Infra Division at Patharnaki, Kiru HEP, Dist. Kishtwar.
05-Oct-2024 28-Oct-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5386542 dated 12-09-2024Supply & Erection of High Mast tower for lighting at Kiru site office and residential complex near Patthernaki.
12-Sep-2024 03-Oct-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-20/2024-25/282 dated 12.09.2024.Providing Security Services for Project Colony area at Patharnaki, Kiru HE Project (DGR).
12-Sep-2024 28-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5327378 Dated 06-09-2024Supply and installation of 04 no extra seating’s (02 sets of 2 seating each) for 15-seater existing conference tables, 10 no chairs for main office Conference Hall Kishtwar and 01 no mattress for furnishing of accommodation.
06-Sep-2024 27-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5364024Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero Neo N4 or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project
05-Sep-2024 26-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5358316 Dated 04-09-2024.Purchase of “Steel Portable Cabin” for security services for Project Colony area at Patharnaki, Kiru HE Project.
04-Sep-2024 25-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5328106 Dated 03-09-2024Purchase of 10 nos. of All-in-One Computers.
03-Sep-2024 24-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-19/2024-25/277 Dated 03.09.2024Providing Concrete pedestal support to water supply pipeline at Patharnaki, Kiru HEP, Dist. Kishtwar.

Corrigendum-I  NEW
03-Sep-2024 10-Oct-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-18/2024-25/259 dated 29.08.2024Providing tile flooring around Galhar & Chandna Field Hostel Buildings along with other miscellaneous works at Patharnaki, Kiru HEP, Dist. Kishtwar.
29-Aug-2024 19-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5323689 Dated 24-08-2024Supply and Erection of Street Light for approaching road to Kiru site office and bachelor accommodation at Pathernaki, Kiru HE Project.
24-Aug-2024 14-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/KIRU/GEM/2024-25/P-04Purchase of Roller blinds for Conference Hall, HOP Office & GM Offices at Project site Patharnaki and Administrative building Kishtwar.
21-Aug-2024 11-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5302381 dated 19.08.2024Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero Neo Ambulance or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project.

Corrigendum-III  NEW
19-Aug-2024 08-Oct-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5284488 Dated: 13/08/2024Hiring of New Mahindra Scorpio Classic S or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project.

Corrigendum-I  NEW
13-Aug-2024 18-Sep-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-14/2024-25/249 Dated 08.08.2024Providing Aluminium partition for the verandahs of Kiru,Galhar & Chandna Field Hostel at Pathernaki ,Kiru H.E.Project, Kishtwar.
08-Aug-2024 30-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-13/2024-25/239 dated 26.07.2024Supply and Installation of 02 No. additional system of Early Flood Warning System (EFWS) in upstream of Kiru HE Project on main River Chenab at Gulabgarh & Bhut Nallah at Village Massu, Paddar, Kishtwar. (Short Tender)

Corrigendum-I  NEW
26-Jul-2024 26-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-12/2024-25/238 dated 25.07.2024Repairing/ Renovation (Civil works) and modification of Villa-40 at Semna Colony at Kishtwar.
25-Jul-2024 16-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-11/2024-25/233 dated 23.07.2024Providing stainless steel grill and gate for Conference Hall building at Patharnaki, Kiru HEP, Dist. Kishtwar.
23-Jul-2024 14-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-10/2024-25/226 dated 18.07.2024Providing Retaining Wall behind Field Hostel-C for the protection of hill slope at Kiru HEP, Patharnaki, Dist. Kishtwar.
18-Jul-2024 08-Aug-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5033543 dated 19.06.2024Purchase of Smart LED TV''s for Field Hostels of Kiru HE Project at Kiru site and Kishtwar.
19-Jun-2024 10-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/5050808 dated 15.06.2024Purchase of chemicals for water treatment at Kiru HEP, Patharnaki, Dist. Kishtwar.
15-Jun-2024 06-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
CVPPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-09/2024-25/141 dated 30.05.2024Construction of temporary Store Shed at Patharnaki, Kiru HEP, Dist. Kishtwar.
30-May-2024 21-Jun-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4937294 dated 23.05.2024Purchase of Toner Cartridges and Drum Cartridges for Xerox Photocopiers machines in Kiru HE Project.
23-May-2024 13-Jun-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4824454 dated 03.05.2024Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero B4 or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

Corrigendum 1
Cancellation of Tender  NEW
03-May-2024 01-Jul-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4893309 dated 02.05.2024Upkeeping of Field Hostels and Bachelor Accommodation including sweeping cleaning and providing mess services for Kiru HE Project Kishtwar
02-May-2024 17-May-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4893232 dated 02.05.2024Upkeeping of Kiru HEP Administrative Building at Kishtwar
02-May-2024 17-May-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4865169 dated 16.04.2024Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero Neo N4 or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

End date for bid submission extended upto 17.05.2024; 3:00 PM  NEW
16-Apr-2024 17-May-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4822737 dated 13.04.2024Hiring of New Mahindra Scorpio Classic S or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

Bid submission end date and bid opening date extended upto 20.05.2024; 3:00 PM
Bid submission end date and bid opening date extended upto 30.05.2024; 3:00 PM
Bid submission end date and bid opening date extended upto 10.06.2024; 3:00 PM
Tender cancelled  NEW
13-Apr-2024 10-Jun-2024Tenders Closed
GEM/2024/B/4821182 dated 30.04.2024Running, maintenance & Up-keeping services in Hydrology Division of Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar (J&K)
09-Apr-2024 30-Apr-2024Tenders Closed

For NIT's issued before 2013 CLICK HERE