अवार्ड विवरण

GEM BID No.- GEM/2024/B/5543918 dated:-29.10.2024 : Purchase of Roll up/Roll down blinds for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें


Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Turbines, Generators, Associated Accessories and Auxiliaries, Auxiliary Electrical Equipment- Mechanical Equipment, 400 KV GIS, 400 KV Outdoor Pothead Yard Equipment and handing over to Employer all E&M equipment of 4 X 135 MW Kwar Hydroelectric Project in Kishtwar district of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir जेनरेटर, संबंधित सहायक उपकरण और सहायक उपकरण, सहायक विद्युत उपकरण- यांत्रिक उपकरण, 400 केवी जीआईएस, 400 केवी आउटडोर पॉटहेड यार्ड उपकरण का डिजाइन, ईरेकशन, आपूर्ति, स्थापना, परीक्षण और टर्बाइन की कमीशनिंग और केंद्र शासित प्रदेश जम्मू और कश्मीर के किश्तवाड़ जिले में 4 x 135 मेगावाट क्वार जलविद्युत परियोजना के सभी ई एंड एम उपकरण नियोक्ता को सौंपना

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5580074 Dated:11.11.2024 : Purchase of 5 Nos. Autodesk AutoCad (Civil - 3D) software licenses for Kwar HE Project

Purchase of 5 nos. Autodesk AutoCAD (Civil 3D) software licenses for Kwar HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5574175 dated 22.11.2024 : Upkeeping of accommodations and Administrative Office Complex of Kwar HE Project at Shalimar & Kishtwar

Upkeeping of accommodations and Administrative Office Complex of Kwar HE Project at Shalimar & Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5576813 Dated:11.11.2024 : Procurement of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) for Kwar Hydro-Electric Project, Kishtwar - Safety Helmet

Procurement of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) for Kwar Hydro-Electric Project, Kishtwar - Safety Helmet.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5666469 dated 07.12.2024 : Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 200 KVA DG set for newly constructed prefab housing at Padyarna for Kwar Hydroelectric Project, Kishtwar

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 200 KVA DG set for newly constructed prefab housing at Padyarna for Kwar Hydroelectric Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5617358 dated 05.12.2024 : Supply, installation, and commissioning of Power Distribution Panel and TPN Distribution for prefabricated building Padyarna of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Power Distribution Panel and TPN Distribution for Prefabricated Building At Padyarana For Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPL/C&P/2024/2525 : Appointment of Credit Rating Agency for obtaining Credit Rating for Rupee Term Loan (RTL) amounting to Rs. 6368.77 crore for Pakal Dul HEP

Appointment of Credit Rating Agency for obtaining Credit Rating for Rupee Term Loan (RTL) amounting to Rs.6368.77 crore for Pakal Dul HEP.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5501983 Date 30.10.2024 : Purchase of furniture items for establishment of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar (02 items- Mattress)

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CVPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-305 /2024/539 Date-23.08.2024 : Upgradation of Entrances and Railing & Roofing of Staircases of Office Block 1 & 2 of PDHEP at Semna Colony, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-304/2024/473 Date: 08.08.2024 : Widening of Road and Construction of RRM walls, PCC Works, Road Work, Slope cutting from Bhandarkoot to Drangdooru Dam Sites RD (11/600 to RD 11/740) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5390248 Date:24.09.2024 : Purchase of Induction Heater to be provided in the Guest House / Transit Camp / Field Hostel Accommodation including Bachelor Accommodation across locations of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

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GEM/2024/B/5113819 Date:27-07-2024 : Purchase of LED Tv’s for employees residing at NHPC Colony, Kishtwar and Field Hostel at Dam and Power House Site of Pakal Dul HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.-GEM/2024/B/5391747 dated: 23.09.2024 : Purchase of 10 no. All in One PCs for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

Purchase of 10 no. All in One PC's for CVPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/5395362 DATED:-13-09-2024 : Purchase of 20 KVA DG Set for MD Residential office cum Transit Camp for VIP’s/HOP’s.

Purchase of 20 KVA DG Set for MD residential Office cum Transit Camp for VIP's/HOP's at House no.47 Sector-7 Channi Himmat, Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5591381 Dated:16.11.2024 : Hiring of 01 (one) No. of Mahindra Scorpio S11 for Kwar HE Project, CVPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of Twenty-Four (24) Months.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-303/2024/467 DATED: 07.08.2024 : Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project RD (7/325 to RD 7/625), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-299/2024/ 430 Date-18.07.2024 : Internal Wiring/renovation of villas under the possession of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-297/ 2024/ 420 Date-17.07.2024 : Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 5/975 to RD 6/275), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-20/2024-25/282 dated 12.09.2024. : Providing Security Services for Project Colony area at Patharnaki, Kiru HE Project (DGR).

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GEM/2024/B/5327378 Dated 06-09-2024 : Supply and installation of 04 no extra seating’s (02 sets of 2 seating each) for 15-seater existing conference tables, 10 no chairs for main office Conference Hall Kishtwar and 01 no mattress for furnishing of accommodation.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5033543 dated 19.06.2024 : Purchase of Smart LED TV''s for Field Hostels of Kiru HE Project at Kiru site and Kishtwar.

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CVPPL/Kiru/P&C/PKG C-13/2024-25/239 dated 26.07.2024 : Supply and Installation of 02 No. additional system of Early Flood Warning System (EFWS) in upstream of Kiru HE Project on main River Chenab at Gulabgarh & Bhut Nallah at Village Massu, Paddar, Kishtwar. (Short Tender)

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GEM/2024/B/5323689 Dated 24-08-2024 : Supply and Erection of Street Light for approaching road to Kiru site office and bachelor accommodation at Pathernaki, Kiru HE Project.

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GEM/2024/B/5275905 dated 20.08.2024 : Purchase of Oracle Primavera P6 PPM (Project Portfolio Management) Software for Kwar HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5233222 dated 19.08.2024 : Purchase of Steel Almirah/Wardrobes for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5308972 Dated 02.09.2024 : Purchase of Furniture Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar (7 items)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5227684 dated 03.08.2024 : Purchase of Electrical Fitting Items for B Type Quarters, A Type Quarters, and Site Office of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar (5 items)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5216781 dated 03.08.2024 : Purchase of Electrical Fitting Items for B Type Quarters, A Type Quarters, and Site Office of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar (52 items)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.-GEM/2024/B/5305698 DATED:02.09.2024 : Providing Technical Services for CVPPL C.O Jammu

Providing Technical Services for CVPPL C.O Jammu for the period of one year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-294/2024/190 Dated: 27.05.2024 : Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 0/0 to RD 0/300), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-293/2024/178 Dated: 23.05.2024 : Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 0/600 to RD 0/900), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/KWAR/HM-PKG/2023 : Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trashracks, Trashrack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE (540 MW) Project

Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trash Racks, Trash Rack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE Project (Lot-2)” in district of UT of Jammu and Kashmir

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/KWAR/HM-PKG/2023 : Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trashracks, Trashrack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE (540 MW) Project

Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trash Racks, Trash Rack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE Project (Lot-2) in kishtwar district of UT of Jammu and Kashmir केंद्र शासित प्रदेश जम्मू और कश्मीर के जिले में क्वार जल विद्युत परियोजना (लॉट-2) के प्रेशर शाफ्ट के लिए रेडियल गेट्स, वर्टिकल गेट्स, स्टॉपलॉग्स, गैन्ट्री क्रेन, ट्रैश रैक, ट्रैश रैक क्लीनिंग मशीन, स्टील लाइनर का डिजाइन, खरीद, निर्माण, निरीक्षण, शॉप असेंबली, परीक्षण, पेंटिंग, परिवहन, साइट स्टोरेज और साइट निर्माण, परीक्षण और कमीशनिंग।

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4813243 Dated 23-03-2024 : Purchase of Consumables for R&M of DSB Colony/Semna Colony of Kiru HEP at Kishtwar.

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CVPPPL/Kiru/PKG C-01/2024-25/02 dated 02.04.2024 : Black topping of the colony road at Kiru H.E. Project, Patharnaki, Kishtwar (J&K).

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/KWAR/HM-PKG/2023 : Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trashracks, Trashrack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE (540 MW) Project

Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trash Racks, Trash Rack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE Project (Lot-2)” in district of UT of Jammu and Kashmir

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/KWAR/HM-PKG/2023 : Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trashracks, Trashrack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE (540 MW) Project

Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trash Racks, Trash Rack Cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE Project (Lot-2) in kishtwar district of UT of Jammu and Kashmir केंद्र शासित प्रदेश जम्मू और कश्मीर के जिले में क्वार जल विद्युत परियोजना (लॉट-2) के प्रेशर शाफ्ट के लिए रेडियल गेट्स, वर्टिकल गेट्स, स्टॉपलॉग्स, गैन्ट्री क्रेन, ट्रैश रैक, ट्रैश रैक क्लीनिंग मशीन, स्टील लाइनर का डिजाइन, खरीद, निर्माण, निरीक्षण, शॉप असेंबली, परीक्षण, पेंटिंग, परिवहन, साइट स्टोरेज और साइट निर्माण, परीक्षण और कमीशनिंग।

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4989404 Date:01.07.2024 : Purchase of 02 nos. 20 kVA Online UPS along with Battery, Rack and other necessary accessories for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4991495 Date:08-06-2024 : Purchase of OFC Splicing Machine, OTDR along with necessary accessories for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

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GEM/2024/B/5092119 Date:13-07-2024 : Purchase of double bed for the employee of Pakal Dul HE Project Kishtwar.

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CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-295 /2024/327 Date-20.06.2024 : Fencing, Pavement & Landscaping etc. near Dulhasti Bhawan, around the proposed prefabricated accommodations of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-292/2024/173 Dated: 22.05.2024 : Widening of Road from Bhandarkoot to Drandooru-Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project (RD 0/300 to RD 0/600), CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-288/2024/79 Dated: 18.04.2024 : Construction of Bridal Path for the Tunder Village (Right Bank Side) & Sounder PMGSY Road (Left Bank Side) from Newly Constructed Foot Suspension Bridge at U/s Side of Dam of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4951282 dated 27.05.2024 : Supply & Installation of Prefab Building Hall with attached washroom using PUF panels for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5215284 dated 16.08.2024 : क्वार एचईपी, किश्तवाड़ के प्रतिष्ठानों के लिए स्टेबलाइजर्स और एमसीबी के साथ एयर कंडीशनर की खरीद

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/5028178 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for 04 nos. Photocopy Machine installed at Kwar HEP Office, Kishtwar.

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GEM/2024/B/4659338 : Purchase of 13 Nos. Scanners for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4683921 : Purchase of furniture for ED Office and HOP Residence office of Pakal Dul HE project Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-291/2024/158 Dated: 16.05.2024 : Construction of Retaining Walls for Slope Protection along the Bhandarkoot-Drangdooru Road in between RD (14/900 – 15/25) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-290/2024/135 Dated: 08.05.2024 : Construction of Retaining Walls for Slope Protection along the Bhandarkoot-Drangdooru Road in between RD (7/100 – 7/400) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-289/2024/132 Dated:07.05.2024 : Construction of Store Room and Record Room Near Site Office (Drangdhuran) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT- 287/2024/187 Dated: 17.04.2024 : Wooden Work/Paneling in Dam Site Office, Conference Hall, Dining Hall and Field Hostel Rooms for Senior Officers/Visitors at Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-277/2024/721 Dated: 06.01.2024 : Extension of Dining Hall, Roofing over Approach Stairs, Wood Plank Lining in the Field Hostel Room and Construction of Dustbin at Field Hostel of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/5130169 DATED:-18-07-2024 : Procurement of Employees Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy of CVPPL.

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GEM/2024/B/5088903 : “Purchase of Furnishing Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar.”[[]05 ITEMS]

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GEM/2024/B/5073116 : “Purchase of Furnishing Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar.”[[]14 ITEMS]

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GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4877548 DATED:-24.04.2024 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer, Server and Printer Corporate Office Jammu for One Year

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4820271 DATED:-05-04-2024 : Up-keeping Services for CVPPPL C.O Complex at Jammu i.e. Chenab Jal Shakti Bhavan including canteen services for the period of one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4807761 DATED:-05-04-2024 : Up-keeping Services for Residential Establishments of CVPPPL Jammu.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4803189 Dated:-05.04.2024 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 01 No Full HD PTZ Camera and 01 No Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for upgradation of Video Conferencing System installed at Board Room, CO Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4743986 DATED: 07.03.2024 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 20KVA silent DG set for IT Server Room Located at Ground Floor, CVPPPL CO. Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/C&P/2024/2093 : Display of Advertisement of CVPPPL on 59 LED screens (in synchronisation of 55” size each) at Jammu Tawi Railway Station for a period of 6 months for the purpose of image building

Display of Advertisement of CVPPPL on 59 LED screens (in synchronisation of 55” size each) at Jammu Tawi Railway Station for a period of 6 months for the purpose of image building

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4115211 Dated: - 08-11-2023 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of STP at Powerhouse (Dool) and Dam Site (Dranduran) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-274/2023/688 Date: 23.12.2023 : Hiring of 06 Nos. of Mahindra Bolero B6 (O) for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4993566 dated 31.05.2024 : Purchase of electrical items for prefab Hut at Padyrna of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

NIT NO: CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/09 : Construction of Chain Link fencing/Compound Wall around site Office including construction of Store, Washroom and other Civil Works etc. at Site Office of Kwar HE Project at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4880858 dated 18.05.2024 : Purchase of Electronic Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/C&P/2024/1484 : Engagement of External Management Consultant for facilitating fast track Merger of Ratle Hydroelectric Power corporation Limited(RHPCL) LTHPL with NHPC LimitedChenab Valley Power Projects(P) Ltd. (CVPPPL)

Engagement of External Management Consultant for facilitating merger of Ratle Hydroelectric Power Corporation Limited (RHPCL) with Chenab Valley Power Projects (P) Ltd.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4824454 dated 03.05.2024 : Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero B4 or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4586980 : “Upkeeping of Site office & Field Hostel at Power House Dool of Pakal Dul HE projects”.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4486050 : Procurement of Electrical Items for R&M of office buildings & residential quarters Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4479913 : Purchase for establishing Laboratory at Dam site office for silt analysis of water sample of Marusudar River.

GEMC-511687726529867 dated 19.06.2024

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-286/2024/977 Date – 22.03.2024 : Electrification of Rooms of Field Hostel, Dining Hall of Field Hostel and Washrooms of Office Complex at Pakal Dul H.E. Project, Kishtwar, J&K.

LOA No. CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/2024/339 dated-25.06.2024

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT- 285/2024/967 Dated:21.03.2024 : River Bank Protection/Road Protection Works Near Bhandarkoot Bridge for Road Connecting Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

LOA No. CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/2024/336 dated- 24.06.2024

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-284/2024/966 Dated: 21.03.2024 : Construction of Shed on Second Floor of Field Hostel at Power House Site of Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

LOA No. CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/2024/367 dated 28.06.2024

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-283/2024/964 Date – 21.03.2024 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Street Lights on 8 meter ST Pole around the Premises of Office cum Field Hostel at DAM Site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

LOA No. CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/2024/324 dated 19.06.2024

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-282/2024/937 Date - 13.03.2024 : Internal Electric Wiring at Administrative Office Complex of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

LOA No. CVPPL/PDHEP/C&P/2024/247 dated 05.06.2024

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-281/2024/789 Date -06.02.2024 : Shifting of Portion of 33 KV Dul-I and Dul-II lines falling near the Premises of Ghumai Nag Temple at Dul Village.

LOA No. CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/2024/284 Dated 11.06.2024

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/10 : Repair and Renovation of B Type for the use of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4805818 dated 02.04.2024 : Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer, Laptop, Printer, UPS & other IT-Miscellaneous Items installed at Kwar HE Project for one year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-273/2023/42 Dated: 07.11.2023 : Hiring of 01 No. Extra Long Pickup for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT- 275/2023/695 Dated: 28.12.2023 : Laying on New Sewage Line, Construction of Septic Tank, Soak Pit, Extension and Renovation of Two Washrooms and Construction of allied structures like manholes at Office Complex of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/C&P/2024/1402 : Hiring the Services of Insurance Consultant for the period of 03 Years

Hiring the Services of Insurance Consultant for the period of 03 Years

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/PnC/NIT/2023-24/07 : Construction of Protection wall for Graveyard at Kwar HE Project at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

NIT NO: CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/08 : Construction of Public Toilet Block at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

NIT NO: CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/08 : Construction of Public Toilet Block at Padyarna, Kishtwar

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NIT NO: CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/08 : Construction of Public Toilet Block at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

NIT NO: CVPPPL/ Kwar/ P&C/ NIT/ 2023-24/08 : Construction of Public Toilet Block at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4831986 DATED:-04.04.2024 : Employees Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy of CVPPPL for the period 16/05/2024 to 15/05/2025

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM Bid No.- GEM/2024/B/4594766 dated:- 08.02.2024 : Upkeeping Services for CVPPPL Camp Office Faridabad for the period of one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4633289 DATED:-15-02-2024 : Purchase of SMF Battery 12 V 65 Ah for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO. GEM/2024/B/4801226 DATED: 22.03.2024 : Purchase of Xerox Toner Cartridges( OEM/Compatible Cartridge- PAC)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4487161 DATED:-16-01-2024 : Purchase of HP Toner Cartridges for various printers installed at CVPPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4118607 Dated 10.11.2023 : Purchase of 02 Nos. of Ambulance BSVI Type-B for Pakal Dul HE Project under Environmental Management Plan, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4061077 : Purchase of furniture for the new proposed hall and Room no. 5,6,7,9 and 10 of field hostel of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-280/2024/751 Date-17.01.2024 : Electrification of Proposed Drivers Room at Field Hostel and Gazebo at Field Hostel and D-5 Quarter of Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-279/2024/745 Date – 15.01.2024 : Internal Electrical Wiring of Proposed Rest Room at Power House of Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-278/2024/743 Dated: 13.01.2024 : Construction of Two Nos Driver Rooms and Two Nos Gazebo at Field Hostel, Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2023-24/03 : Engagement of security personal DGR sponsored agency at Kwar HEP

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4764047 : Purchase of New tyres for Departmental Vehicle Mahindra Scorpio (JK17-6964) for Kwar HEP project Kishtwar

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GEM/2023/B/4398312 : Engagement of consultant for preparation of revised Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) Plan of Kwar HE Project (540MW)

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GEM/2024/B/4615583 Dated 12.02.2024 : Purchase of Toner Cartridges and Drum Cartridges for Xerox Photocopiers machines in Kiru HE Project.

Tender Cancelled.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4692742 Dated: 26-02-2024 : Implementation of Annual Action plan on CSR Activity & Procurement of Medicines/Nutritional Supplements and bio-chemistry Analyser for Conducting CSR activity of Kiru HEP for FY 2023-24.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4201616 Dated 11-11-2023 : Purchase of Laboratory equipment for Silt analysis in Hydrology Division, Kiru HEP.

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एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4468841 Dated 12-01-2024 : Preparation of Catchment Area Treatment (CAT) plan of Kirthai II HEP.

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CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-10/2023-24/373 dated 13.01.2024 : Supplying, Fixing, Testing & Commissioning of instruments for G&D Site at Kidur Nallah, instruments for Automatic Water Level Monitoring (AWLR) at Dam & TRT site and Automatic Weather Station at Dam site of Kirthai-II HEP.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4364688 : Hiring of seven (07) number of vehicles for Kwar HEP including one (01) Toyota Innova Crysta GX 7 Seater Captain Seat, five (05) Mahindra Bolero B6(opt) BS VI & one Tata Yodha Pickup Crew 4×2" [[]Rebidding of Two Mahindra Bolero B6(opt) BS VI]

Hiring of seven (07) number of vehicles for Kwar HEP including one (01) Toyota Innova Crysta GX 7 Seater Captain Seat, five (05) Mahindra Bolero B6(opt) BS VI & one Tata Yodha Pickup Crew 4×2" [[]Rebidding of Two Mahindra Bolero B6(opt) BS VI]

एटेचमेंट देखें



एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4522666 : Purchase of Furnishing and other Misc Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

Purchase of Furnishing and other Misc Items for establishments of Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2023/B/4315015 DATED:-11-12-2023 : Purchase of All in One Desktop Computers for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

Purchase of All in One PC for CVPPPL ,C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM BID NO.- GEM/2024/B/4450923 DATED:-09-01-2024 : Purchase of 01 no. NGFW/Firewall(Active-Passive) for CVPPPL C.O Jammu.

Purchase of 01 no. NGFW/ UTM/ Firewall in Active-Passive Mode with subscription for the period of (03) Three year at CVPPPL C.O. Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2024/B/4440477 dated 05.01.2024 : Upkeeping of Kiru site office, Field Hostels and other miscellaneous works at Pathernaki, Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4239259 dt 22.11.2023 : AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) of Computers and peripherals for one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4233808 Dated 21-11-2023 : Purchase of Oil Filled Radiators Room heaters for Project offices and Field Hostels of Kiru HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4204190 Dated: 13-11-2023 : Purchase of consumables for R&M of colony of Kiru HEP at Pathernaki, District Kishtwar (2023-24)

Tender has been cancelled on GeM Portal on 23.02.2024.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/PnC/NIT/2023-24/04 : Renovation of A type Quarters of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

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AMC for the HVAC system installed in CVPPPL C.O Rail Head Complex, Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4062702 Dated 09.11.2023 : Purchase of Water Purifier for the residential colony of PDHEP, Kishtwar

Contract Awarded.

एटेचमेंट देखें

Bid No - GEM/2023/B/3608948 Dated - 11.07.2023 : Purchase of furniture for equipping Dam site office , Drangdhuran, Kishtwar

Contract Awarded.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-270/2023/527/Dated: 26.09.2023 : Extension of existing conference hall & wood plank ceiling, flooring and wall lining in administrative building of Pakal Dul HE Project, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-261/2023/231/Date - 15.05.2023 : Hiring of 04 Nos. of Mahindra Bolero B6 (O) for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K.

03 Nos Mahindra Bolero B6 (O) has been awarded to three different bidders.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4027793 dt 13.10.2023 : Purchase of Public Address (PA) system for Kiru site office

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3915807 : AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) of Xerox Paper Copier cum Printer B7025 and C7020 (color) installed at Kiru HEP Administrative office and Kiru site office

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4253311 Dated 25-11-2023 : Supply and installation of 02 nos. Conference table of 20 seaters each for office at Kishtwar and site office, Pathernaki.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(P&C)/PKG C-04/2023-24/279 : Repairing/Renovation (Civil Works) of proposed conference hall at Kiru HE Project main office Kishtwar, Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4191445 dt 09.11.2023 : Purchase of Face recognition based attendance system for Kiru and Kirthai II HEP

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4110339 : Purchase of Curtains for furnishing of Conference Room & HOP office at Pathernaki, District Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4110339 : Purchase of Curtains for furnishing of Conference Room & HOP office at Pathernaki, District Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4110339 : Purchase of Curtains for furnishing of Conference Room & HOP office at Pathernaki, District Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4110339 : Purchase of Curtains for furnishing of Conference Room & HOP office at Pathernaki, District Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4349380 DATED:-15-12-2023 : Purchase of Canon Toners and Cartridges for various printers installed at Corporate Office Jammu

Purchase of Canon Toner/Cartridges for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4338874 Dated : 15-12-2023 : Purchase of Toners and Cartridges for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4281079 : "Purchase of Porta Cabins for kwar HE project, Kishtwar”

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3756500 : Upkeeping of Establishment of Kwar HEP at Kishtwar, Shalimar & Padyarna, and observation of River Chenab for G&D date

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3953404 : Hiring of seven (07) number of vehicles for Kwar HEP including one (01) Toyota Innova Crysta  GX, five (05) Mahindra Bolero B6(opt) BS VI & one Tata Yodha Pickup Crew 4×2

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3903563 : Procurement of Stationery items for Office use of Kwar HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4053031 : Supply Installation and commissioning of Silent DG set of different capacities for Kwar HEP establishments at Padyarna and Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/PnC/NIT/2023-24/05 : Supply of Water Through Water tanker Tanker in various accomodations of Kwar HE Project at Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3561898 dated 13-06-2023 : Supply and installation of 62.5 kVA, 3 phase silent DG set with AMF panel, its control cable and accessories etc.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3965007 : Purchase of Electrical items for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar (Washing Machine)

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GEM/2023/B/3966104 : Purchase of Electrical items for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar (Refrigerator)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3764477 : Upkeeping of accommodation and services of surveyor, Driver for Kwar HE Project at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4057273 : Purchase of Inverter, Battery and Trolley for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

Bid No - GEM/2023/B/3688581 Dated - 28.07.2023 : Purchase of 05 No. biometric e-attendance machines for PDHEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2882992 dated 23.12.2022 : Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of surveillance system at vital construction sites and offices of PDHEP

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-265/2023/287 Date: 20.06.2023 : Construction of Drain near Helipad/Ground of Sounder Village Acess Road on the Upstream of DAM Site of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/4053135 : Purchase of Consumables Items for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3759316 : Purchase of 125 KVA DG SET for Kwar HEP

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GEM/2023/B/3848152 : Purchase of Microsoft Office software for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3774450 : Supply & installation of Modular workstations & partitions etc at Kishtwar & Padyarna offices for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3315931 : Purchase of HP Toners, Cartridges and Drums for Printers and Copiers in Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3068754 : Purchase of Electrical Fixtures and associated material for 02 No. Temporary Field Hostel Buildings along with Mess & Dinning Hall for Senior Officers and Security Barracks at Kiru site of Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-262/2023/266/Date – 10.06.2023 : Internal Electric Wiring of 6no. Washrooms (Room-3 to Room-8) and 2 no. Pantry (Room-3&4) at Field Hostel of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-257/2023/199 Dated: 02.05.2023 : Construction of Catch Water Drain in Village Drangdhuran Upstream of Power Intake and Surface Spillway Area at PDHEP, CVPPPL, KIshtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3572363 : Hiring of one no. vehicle for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/CandP/2023/GMC/572 : Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for Employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects [[]P] Ltd.”.


एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3427513 : Purchase of Prefab Hut/ House for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3488961 : Purchase of Desktop computers and UPS for Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2023-24/02 : Electrical wiring in office complex, Residential building of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/2023-24/01 : Construction of Plinth for prefab building along with sanitary, Drainage & Finishing works etc for Kwar HE Project at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/CandP/2023/4891 : Appointment of Credit Rating Agency for obtaining Credit Rating of upcoming Debt program of Rs.3800 Crore and short term Credit limits of Rs.300 Crore.

Letter of Award

एटेचमेंट देखें


एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/3008736 : Procurement & Installation of EWS at Kwar HEP

एटेचमेंट देखें


Supply and Installation of All in One Desktop Computers for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3116483 : Purchase of 02 nos. firewall with UTM appliance for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3318738 : Purchase of electrical and other misc items for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-256/2023/79 Date: 03.02.2023 : Aluminium works in front portion of Field Hostel Rooms 1 to 10 and construction of Pantry for Room 3&4 of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3080450 : Purchase of Furniture items for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2022-23/08 : Development of Bench and Necessary Protection works for construction of Pre-fabricated Buildings near Dam site of Kwar HE Project at Padyarna, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2022-23/10 : Repair and Renovation works of C 0 type and B type for the use of Kwar HE Project at Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3315506 : Purchase of fencing poles for demarcation of acquired land of Kwar HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3098387 : Purchase of Fire fighting equipments for Kwar HE Project (Misc items)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3148419 : Purchase of 01 (one) no. monochrome photocopy machine and 01 (one) no. coloured photocopy machine for kwar of Kwar HE Project ( Machine)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-252/2022/869 Dated 28.12.2022 : Renovation/Repair of Washrooms of Field Hostel for PDHEP Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-251/2022/838 Dated - 21.12.2022 : Construction of R/Walls in Front of Site Office at Dam Site Office of PDHEP, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-254/2023/18 : Work of Surveillance, Up Keeping and Watch & Ward of Integrated G&D and EWS Stations for PDHEP, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3138072 : Purchase of consumable items for establishment of Kwar HEP at Kishtwar ( Air Freshner Solid & Gel)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2984304 : Purchase of computer consumables (Toner, Cartridges and Pendrives) for Kwar HE Project. (Xerox)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2980863 : Purchase of computer consumables (Toner, Cartridges and Pendrives) for Kwar HE Project. (HP)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-253/2022/872 Date - 30.12.2022 : Repair/Renovation of Toilets of School in Dranduran Area for implementation of CSR Activity for F.Y. 2021-22 at Pakal Dul HEP, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-247/2022/784 Dated-21.11.2022 : Fencing of Acquired Land near Drangdhuran Area by Way of Barbed Wire with Concertina Coil, at Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2841488 Dated 17.12.2022 : purchase of furniture and furnishing items for 10 rooms of newly constructed Field Hostel & Office Complex at power house site Dool, Pakal Dul HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2907676/Dated - 31.12.2022 : Purchase of Furniture, Furnishing Items for the Quarters of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT -244/2022/770 Dated 15/11/2022 : Hiring of 02 No. of Force Traveller BSVI for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/2023/GPAI/4731 : Group Personal Accidental Insurance Policy


एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/2936929 : Movable File storage system (Compactor)

Purchase of Movable file storage system (Compactor)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/3092438 Dated 07.02.2023 : Implementation of CSR Activity and Procurement of Medicines Nutritional Supplements for Conducting Medical Camp under CSR of Kiru HEP for FY 2022-23 as per Annexure I of ATC

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-03/2022-23/36 : Construction of field hostel for Executives (G+2) - 01 and 02 for the proposed combined colony for Kiru & Kwar HE Projects, Kishtwar (J&K)-Part 2.1(a)

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2023/B/2991938 : Up keeping Services for CVPPPL Camp Office Faridabad for a period of one year.

Upkeeping Services for Camp Office Faridabad

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2862464 Dated 17.12.2022 : Purchase of oil filled radiator heaters for different locations of Pakal Dul HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2897252 : Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 62.5 KVA silent DG set at site office, PAdyarna of KWar HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2833338 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of computer, laptop, printer, UPS & other IT - Misc items installed at Kwar HE Project for one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2022-23/05 : Upkeeping of establishments of Kwar HEP at Kishtwar, Shalimar & Padyarna, Site assistance works and observation of river Chenab for G&D data

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-248/2022/801 Dated30.11.2022 : Internal Electrical wiring of 4 no of washrooms at field hostel,4 no C-1 quarters (I1, I2, L3 & N3) of Pakal Dul H.E. Project (CVPPL), Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/CnP/NIT-241/2022/ 744 Dated: 28.10.2022 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computers, Printers & UPS installed in PDHEP, Kishtwar for one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/NIT-233/2022/732 : Hiring of 02 No. New Mahindra Bolero B6 (O) for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/NIT-238/2022/741 : Renovation/Repair of 8 nos. C-1 Type Quarters and Other Miscellaneous Works in Colony for Pakal Dul H.E. Project (CVPPL), Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-243/2022/769 : Up keeping of site office & field hostel at Power House Dool of Pakal Dul HE Project of One Year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-246/2022/783 Dated-21.11.2022 : Repair/Renovation of Toilets of Schools in Dool Area for Implementation of CSR Activity for F.Y. 2021-22 at PDHEP, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/NIT-242/2022/768 : R&M of Site Office, Field Hostel and Transit Camp (Ikhala) at DAM Site of Pakal Dul HEP, Kishtwar, J&K for one Year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-22/2022-23/300 : Upkeeping of Kiru HEP Administrative Building at Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-21/2022-23/235 : Upkeeping of Field Hostels and Bachelor Accommodation including Sweeping, Cleaning and Providing Mess Services for Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-20/2022-23/225 : Engagement of Manpower in Quality Control and Safety Division of Kiru HEP

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-11/2022-23/110 : Stabilization of hill slope along the approach road to filed hostel Block-B and providing edge wall along the approach road to field hostel Block-A at Kiru HEP Pathernakki, Distt: Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

GEM/2022/B/2820938 : Implementation of CSR activity & Procurement of medicines/ Nutritional supplements for conducting medical camp under CSR of KWar HEP for FY 2022-23

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG: P-03/2022-23/126 : Purchase of Bio-STP (Biodigester) along with Reed Bed System for Field hostels and office buildings at Pathernaki, Distt. Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/NIT-236/2022/736/Dated 18.10.2022 : R&M of D-5 Quarter, Field Hostel, A&B Type Quarter, Bachelor Accommodation and pantry in office building incl. sweeping & cleaning of inside and outside area, bathroom, open area, roads, office building, up keeping of lawns & garden, operation & maintenance of sanitary fittings, water supply, electrical fitting, DG sets and supervision of all manpower for Pakal Dul HE Project for the period of one year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/NIT-235/2022/735 : Providing services of technical assistant and peon/ helpers in the office related works of Pakal Dul HE Project, for a period of one year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG P-09/2022-23/342 : Purchase of Geological items for carrying out Geological Field work of Kirthai-II HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P and C)/PKG P-07/2022-23/218 : Purchase of Furniture for Furnishing Dispensary at Pathernaki, Dist Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P and C)/PKG P-07/2022-23/218 : Purchase of Furniture for Furnishing Dispensary at Pathernaki, Dist Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-16/2022-23/150 : Restoration of protection wall for protection of bench for temporary field hostel (Block-B) building at Kiru HEP, Pathernaki, distt. Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-16/2022-23/150 : Restoration of protection wall for protection of bench for temporary field hostel (Block-B) building at Kiru HEP, Pathernaki, distt. Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-16/2022-23/150 : Restoration of protection wall for protection of bench for temporary field hostel (Block-B) building at Kiru HEP, Pathernaki, distt. Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-16/2022-23/150 : Restoration of protection wall for protection of bench for temporary field hostel (Block-B) building at Kiru HEP, Pathernaki, distt. Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM (P&C)/PKG C-10/2022-23/107 : Stabilization of hill slope along approach road to field hostel block-A and protection of upper bench behind field hostel Block-A at kiru HEP, Pathernaki, Distt. Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM (P&C)/ PKG C-17/2022-23/157 : Providing Boundary Wall along the eastern side of the project land at Pathernaki, Kiru HEP, Distt. Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-07/2022-23/101 : Protection Work for approach road to office block 3 & 4 and protection of fresh cutting behind office block 1 & 2 at Kiru HEP

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM (P&C)/PKG C-15/2022-23/147 : Hiring of new Mahindra Bolero B4 or higher version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM (P&C)/PKG C-14/2022-23/142 : Hiring of new Mahindra Scorpio S5 or higher version for a period of 02(two) years for Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-23/2022-23/305 dated 26.10.2022 : Diamond Core drilling including driving, reaming of drill holes for casing of NX size for holes of total cumulative depth of ± 651m including core preservation & water Pressure/Permeability test as per relevant IS codes in all types of strata at Dam site, Kidur Nala & Surge Shaft of Kirthai-II HE Project, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KIRU/SM (P&C)/PKG-C 18/2022-23/163 : Providing Rigid platform for Biodigester plant and laying of SW pipes at Pathernakki, Kiru HEP, Distt. Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/P&C/NIT/2022-23/07 : Hiring of Four (04) number vehicles at KWAR HE Project including one (01) No. Mahindra Scorpio S7 (BS VI), one(01) No. Mahindra Bolero B6 (opt.) BS VI, one (01) No. Tata Yodha Crew Cabin 4X2 (BS VI) (5 Seaters) or equivalent & one (01) Mini Bus 32+ Seater Tata or equivalent

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P and C)/PKG P-07/2022-23/218 : Purchase of Furniture for Furnishing Dispensary at Pathernaki, Dist Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P and C)/PKG P-07/2022-23/218 : Purchase of Furniture for Furnishing Dispensary at Pathernaki, Dist Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-228/2022/556 : Providing support and facilities to NIRM team for conducting plate jacking and direct shear tests at the dam site of Kirthai-II HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-230/2022/581 : Hiring of 01 No. new Mahindra Bolero camper 4 WD BS-VI for Kirthai-II HE Project, CVPPP Limited, for a period of 2 years

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-231/2022/613 : Construction of 1.5m wide access path for aproach to the drill hole location of Kidur Nallah of Kirthai-II HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG P-06/2022-23/198 : Purchase of Indoor Sports Goods for Kiru HEP at Pathernakki.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG P-06/2022-23/198 : Purchase of Indoor Sports Goods for Kiru HEP at Pathernakki.

Tender Cancelled.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM/(P&C)/PKG:P-04/2022-23/132 : Purchase of Electrical Fixtures and Associated material for 02 no. Temporary Field Hostel Buildings along with Mess & Dining hall for Senior officers and Security Barracks at Kiru site of Kiru HE Project

Tender Cancelled.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG P-05/2022-23/162 : Purchase of Electrical Material, tools, instrument etc for general Electrical Maintenance of all types of buildings of Kiru HE Project

Supply Order Issued

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-06/2022-23/99 : Development of Bench for creation of Park (near Field Hostel-Block B) at Kiru HEP Pathernakki, Distt Kishtwar

Tender Award.

एटेचमेंट देखें


एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG P-06/2022-23/198 : Purchase of Indoor Sports Goods for Kiru HEP at Pathernakki.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG P-06/2022-23/198 : Purchase of Indoor Sports Goods for Kiru HEP at Pathernakki.

Tender Cancelled.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-227/2022/535 : Construction/erection of boundary pillars for demarcation of green belt around reservoir area and dumping sites of Kirthai-II HE project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-226/2022/488 : Diamond core drilling including driving, reaming of drill holes for casing of NX size for holes of total depth of +- 168m including core preservation & water permeability test as per relevant IS codes in all types of strata inside Power House and Dam Drift (size 1.8 m x 2.1 m) of Kirthai II HE Project J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-21/2021-22/468 : Construction of Three Nos. block (A, B & C) Type E Quarters for the Colony at Pathernaki, Kiru (J&K)

Tender Canceled

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-20/2021-22/461 : Construction of Three nos. Block (A, B & C) Type-D (G+1 Duplex) quarters for the colony at Pathernaki, Kiru (J&K)

Tender Canceled

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-19/2021-22/435 : Construction of Type-C, (G+2) Quarter for the proposed combined colony of Kiru & Kwar H.E. Project, Kiru (J&K)

Tender Canceled

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-18/2021-22/434 : Construction of Type-B (G+2) quarters for the proposed combined colony of Kiru & Kwar H.E. Projects, Kiru (J&K)

Tender Canceled

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-19/2022-23/169 : Running Maintenance and Upkeeping of Kiru Site Office, Filed Hostel at Pathernaki, Kiru HEP

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/P&C/NIT/2022-23/04 : Purchase of 10 Nos. Desktop Computers for Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-223/2022/393 : Hiring of 02 No. Mahindra Bolero Camper for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-221/2022/391 : Hiring of 04 No. New Mahindra Bolero B6(O) for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-220/2022/384 : Hiring of 04 No. New Mahindra Scorpio S9 140 BS-VI for a period of 2 years for Pakal Dul HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-217/2022/257 : Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 250 KVA, 11/0.433 KV distribution substation at Drangdhuran Dam site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-225/2022/485 : Providing Services for R&M of Bachelor Accommodation/Field hostel at Hotel Hayat, Malipath Kishtwar (work includes R&M of mess, Cleaning and Sweeping of building premises, Watch & Ward services) for Pakal Dul H.E Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K for the period of one year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-12/2022-23/112 : Development of superstructure on existing platform for DG set near site offices at Kiru HEP, Pathernaki, Distt. Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-02/2022-23/28 : Construction of Dispensary G.F, for the proposed combined colony of Kiru & Kwar HE Projects Kiru (J&K)

Tender Canceled.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG P-02/2022-23/104 : Purchase of Plumbing Materials (Pipes and Fittings) for maintenance of water supply lines of project colony at Pathernaki, Distt. Kishtwar

Tender Canceled.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-08/2022-23/102 : Providing partition for making Kitchen cabins in Field Hostel-A&B Block Rooms and Early Warning System in pantry room of office building Block-1 at Kiru HEP, Pathernakki, Distt Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-05/2022-23/98 : Wiring and Electrification of Temporary Field Hostel and mess Building for Senior Officers of Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-13/2022-23/119 : Repairing of toilets in School of Kiru Project Area

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-212/2022/181 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 125 KVA DG Set at Drangdhuran (Dam Site), 125 KVA DG set at CO quarters, 62.5 KVA DG Set at A-type quarters and supply of 03 nos. portable DG sets for Pakal Dul HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-210/2022/93 : Construction of Retaining wall & Boundary wall at Power House site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar. J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-214/2022/199 : Topographical and Bathymetric survey of Chenab river in the project area of Kirthai-II HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/2022/3832 : Deployment of Security Guards through DGR sponsored agency with arms, without arms & Supervisor at CVPPPL Corporate Office Building, CVPPPL Executive Transit Camps, and Bachelors'' Accomodation at Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/P&C/NIT/2022-23/02 : Purchase of 01 (one) no. Heavy Duty Network Printer/Copier/Scanner for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/2022/GMC/3872 : Group Mediclaid policy for Employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects [P] Ltd.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-215/2022/200 : Construction of cradle mechanism over river Chenab at dam site of Kirthai-II HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-218/2022/316 : Fabrication and Installation of Tunnel Spillway (02 tunnels) including energy dissipators for 1:70 scale 3D spillway model for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM (P&C)/PKG C-04/2022-23/50 : Annual Maintenance contract (AMC) of Computers, printers, UPS, Laptops and LAN Equipment installled at Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM/(P&C)/PKG:P-9/2021-22/478 : Purchase of Workcentre/Photocopier for Kiru HEP Site Office and Admin Office, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/P&C/NIT/2022-23/01 : Purchase of UPS, Toners/Ink Cartridges, plotter paper roll and other computer peripherals for Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-203/2021/843 : Repair & Renovation of D5 Villa & Field Hostel/Officers Transit Camp for the use of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-205/2021/845 : Supply of water through water tanker (8000 Litre capacity) for Hotel Hayat (Malipath) & Mess running in Semna Colony for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar for a period of one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-196/2021/640 : Purchase of Desktop computers, UPS and MFP printers for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar,J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-198/2021/693 : Purchase of Air Conditioner for Field Hostel and D-5 quarter of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-209/2022/59 : Internal Electrical wiring of 14 No. CO Quarters (G&H block) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-17/2021-22/428 : Hiring of 01 No. Tata Tipper 610 SK for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kwar/Civil/Lot-01/2020 : Construction of Diversion Tunnel, Concrete Gravity Dam, Intake, Pressure Shafts, Underground Power House & Tailrace tunnels (Lot 1 ) for Kwar HE Project in District Kishtwar, J&K, India

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/C&P/NIT/2021-22/04 : Hiring of three no. Vehicle Mahindra bolero B4 (BS-VI) for a period of two years for Kwar HE project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-16/2021-22/426 : Repair and maintenance (R&M) of Electrical Installations at Pathernaki, Kiru

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-14/2021-22/366 : Fencing of Acquired 87 Kanal State Land of Kiru HE Project Near BRO Camp Galhar, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-01/2022-23/01 : SSMA/AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) of Xerox Paper copier/Printer Installed in Kiru H.E. Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Contracts/Kwar/HM-PKG/2021 : Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trashracks, Trashrack cleaning Machine, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of KWAR HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-208/2021/898 : Hiring of one number Mahindra Scorpio S9 140 BS VI vehicle for Kirthai-II HE Project, Kishtwar CVPPPL for 14 months period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-206/2021/846 : Hiring of One Number New Mahindra Scorpio S7 140 BS-VI vehicle for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar for two years period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-200/2021/703 : Hiring of one number Mahindra Bolero B6 vehicle for Kirthai-II HE Project, Kishtwar CVPPPL for 14 months period.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2021/837 : Purchase of 02 No. Heavy Duty LAN Multifunctional Printer (Photocopier/Printer/Scanner) alongwith voltage stabilizers for CVPPPL C.O, Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-15/2021-22/411 : Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero B4 BS-VI for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KIru/GM(P&C)/PKG P-8/2021-22/471 : Purchase of Drum and Toner Cartridge for Xerox Workcentre 5325 in Kiru H.E. Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG:P-7/2021-22/355 : Purchase of Service Mains Cables, Electrical Fixtures and General Electrical Material respectively required for Buildings at Kiru Site, Security Barracks at kieu and R&M of all Types of Buildings at Kiru and Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-207/2021/893 : Supply & Installation of Integrated G&D (Automatic velocity meter) and flood EWS (Early Warning System) at two sites of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-202/2021/826 : Topographical Survey work of Kirthai-II HE Project area using Drone (UAV) and DGPS, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG:C-11/2021-22/357 : Fencing and Concreting of Courtyard of temporary Field Hostel (Upper & Lower Block) of Kiru HEP at Pathernakki

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KIRU/SM (P&C)/PKG:P-5/2021-22/346 : Purchase of office stationery items for Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-10/2021-22/330 : Construction of Field Hostel for Senior Officers (G+1) for the proposed combined colony for Kiru & Kwar HE Projects, Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2021/836 : Purchase of Toners and Cartridges for various printers installed at CVPPPL C.O, Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2021/926 : Up-keeping Services of CVPPPL Camp Office at NHPC Office Complex, Sec-33, Faridabad (HR) for a period of one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-197/2021/656 : Repair of 17 nos. CO type qtrs. Qtr. no. A-81, A-35, C-1-N-5 & VILLA 31B QTRS. & External repair in D,E,F,G (C-O type) block for the use of Pakal Dul HE Project,CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-193/2021/591 : Diamond Core drilling including driving, ramming of drill holes for lowering of casing of PX, HX & NX size for 01 (one) drill hole of(+/-) 60 mtr. At Kidur nallah, 01 (one) drill hole of (+/-) 30 mtr. at downstream of coffer dam location & 01 (one) drill hole of (+/-) 35 mtr at upstream coffer dam location including core preservation & water permeability test in all types of strata as per relevant IS codes for Kirthai-II HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-12/2021-22/363 : Regular Measurement of Gauge & Discharge and Collection of Water Samples for Silt Analysis at Kiru HE Project & Measurement of Discharge and Monitoring of Early Warning System at Gulabghar Site, Padder, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/ PKG: P-6/2021-22/348 : Supply of Early Warning System and Water Velocity Meter for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/C&P/NIT/2021-22/01 : Upkeeping of establishments of Kwar HEP at kishtwar, Shalimar & Padyarna and observation of river Chenab for G&D data

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-194/2021/593 : Construction of marking pillars (Burji) along the bank reservoir bank and boundary of land acquired at Dam site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-190/2021/499 : Diamond core drilling including driving, ramming of drill holes for lowering of casing of PX, HX & NX size for (+/-) 230.00 m deep 01 (one) drill hole is proposed to explore the Northern Corner of Power House cavity and to establish the rock cover above power house including core preservation & water permeability test in all types of strata as per relevant IS codes for Kirthai-II HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-185/2021/457 : Diamond Core drilling including driving, ramming of drill holes for lowering of casing of PX, HX & NX size for 01 (one) drill hole of (+/-) 135.00 m deep from the surface at De-silting Chamber in Dam area location including core preservation & water permeability test in all type of strata as per relevant IS codes for Kirthai-II HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Plg/2021/GPAI/655 : Group Personal accidental insurance Policy for the period 16.01.2022 to 15.01.2023

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/GM(P&C)/PKG C-8/2021-22/223 : Development of area aroung Temporary Site offices near Dam Site of Kiru HEP

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KIRU/SM(P&C)/PKG C-13/2021-22/364 : Hiring of four Nos. New Mahindra Bolero B4 BS-VI for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-9/2021-22/232 : Hiring of Four Nos. New Mahindra Bolero B4 BS-VI for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-191/2021/526 : R&M of D-5 quarter, field hostel, A&B type quarters, bachelor accomodation and pantry in office building including sweeping & cleaning of inside and outside area, bathrooms, open area, roads, office building, upkeeping of lawns & garden, operation & maintenance of sanitary fittings, water supply, electrical fitting, DG Sets and Supervision of all manpower for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, for one year period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-192/2021/527 : Upkeeping including (i.e Cleaning, Sweeping, watch & ward) of Ikhala camp/ Drangdhuran at Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project for the period of one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-186/2021/462 : Hiring of 13 Nos. New Mahindra Bolero B6 (optional) BS-VI for two years period by Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-195/2021/594 : Upkeeping of site office at PH (Power House) site of Pakal Dul HE Project for one year period, Kishtwar,J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG P-3/2021-22/283 : Disposal of Surplus/Obsolete/Unserviceable Items (Air Conditioners, Visitor Chairs and 3G Internet Dongles) at Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-182/2021/431 : Purchase of stationary items for administrative office & site offices for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-188/2021/467 : Providing services of technical assistant and peon/helpers in the office works of Pakal Dul HE Project for one year period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-180/2021/360 : Collection of Gauge and Discharge data and water samples of Chenab river at proposed Dam Site of Kirthai -II HE Project and silt sedimentation analysis in laboratory for two years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-187/2021/463 : Hiring of 02 Nos. New Mahindra Scorpio S7 BS-VI for two years period by Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2021/299 : Upkeeping services for Residential accomodation at Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2021/298 : Upkeeping services for CVPPPL C.O Complex including canteen services at Jammu

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CVPP/GM/Plg/2021/300 : Technical Services for CVPPPL C.O complex at Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Plg/2021/GMC/171 : Group Medicaid Policy for Employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects [P] Ltd.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/PLG/2021/483 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer, Server and Printer at Corporate Office Jammu for One Year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-30/2020-21/877 : Laying of LT distribution network for upcoming buildings near Power House site of Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-189/2021/480 : Providing services for R&M of bachelor Accomodation/ Field Hostel at Hotel Hayat, Malipeth kishtwar (work includes R&M of mess, cleaning and sweeping of building premises, watch & ward services) for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar for the period of 1 year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-7/2021-22/196 : Hiring of New Mahindra Bolero B4 BS-VI for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG: P-2/2021-22/146 : Purchase of Toner/Ink Cartridges for printers in Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM/(P&C)/PKG: P-1/2021-22/160 : Supply & Installation of 500 KVA DG Set for offices of Kiru HE Project at Pathernaki

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/177/2021/335 : Geological Exploration by excavation & drilling of 362 mtr. long 01 number drift in rectangular cross section of size 1.8 x 2.1 mtr. on left bank of river Chenab at Proposed Power House Site of Kirthai -II Hydroelectric Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-173/2020/1787 : Construction of approach to platform for prefab structure at Drangdhuran Dam site of Pakal Dul HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-31/2020-21/883 : Construction of Field hostel for Executives (G+2)-01 and 02 for the proposed combined colony for Kiru & Kwar HE Projects, Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KIRU/SM (P&C)/PKG-C5/2021-22/139 : Upkeeping of Kiru HEP Administrative Building at Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें


एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-27/2020-21/801 : Upkeeping of Kiru site office and other miscellaneous works at Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-169/2020/1709 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer, Printer & UPS of Pakal Dul HE Project for one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KIRU/SM(P&C)/PKG C-3/2021-22/95 : Hiring of 01 No. New Mahindra Supro Ambulance ZX BS-VI for Kiru HE Project Kishtwar for a period of two years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-19/2020-21/744 : Electrification of Proposed Quality Control Lab and Mess cum Dining Hall for Senior Officers near Power House site of Kiru HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-34/2020-21/900 : Construction of Stair path (550 m length) from Kishtwar-Padder Road (Pathernaki) upto Dam top road''s Take-off point

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (P&C)/PKG C-4/2021-22/137 : Providing services for Electrical maintenance, record keeping and maintenance of other Official/Secretarial works in the Administrative building of Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KIRU/SM(P&C)/PKG C-1/2021-22/66 : Hiring of Four Nos. New Mahindra Bolero B4 BS-VI for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM(P&C)/PKG C-2/2021-22/96 : Hiring of New Mahindra Scorpio S5 or Higher Version for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-37/2020-21/917 : Construction of Road (Formation Level), Boundary Wall, Security Cabin & Main Gate of Proposed Combined Colony for Kiru & Kwar HE Projects, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-32/2020-21/884 : Construction of Temporary Store Shed at Kiru site Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-165/2020 : Disposal of Old & Used Vehicles (Maruti gypsy), Equipment (Crawler Dozer, BD-50) and its spare parts of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2021/29 : Purchase of Air Conditioners and other Accessories

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-35/2020-21/902 : Hiring of Four Nos. Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero or any other higher version vehicles for a period of two years for Kiru HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SMC&P)/NIT-33/2020-21/885 : Providing Water Distribution System to Temporary residential & non-residential buildings of Kiru HEP near Dam Site

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/kiru/GM(C&P)/NIT-38/2020-21/950 : Hiring of 01 No. Mahindra Scorpio S5 for a period of 02(two) years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/C&P/NIT/2020-21/05 : Hiring of one no. Vehicle Toyota Innova 2.4 GX 8STR for a period of two years for Kwar HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-164/2020/1644 : Collection of Gauge & Discharge data and water samples of Marusudar River at Dam site of Pakal Dul HE Project and silt analysis in sediment laboratory for two year period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-161/2020/1525 : Internal Electrical Wiring of Field hostel at power house Site of pakal Dul HEproject, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-29/2020-21/851 : Hiring of 01 no. Mahindra Scorpio S5 for a period of 02 (two) years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM (C&P)/NIT-28/2020-21/839 : Hiring of 02 Nos. Mahindra Imperio/Camper Double Cabin at kiru HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar for a period of 02(two) years

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-26/2020-21/796 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer, Printers and network Switches installed at Kiru HEP for one year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-25/2020-21/788 : Construction of Circular Water Tank of 75000 litre capacity at Kiru site

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-172/2020/1770 : Purchase of Furniture Items for Govt. Schools in District Kishtwar under CSR and Sustainability activity for FY 2020-21 for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-171/2020/1769 : Purchase of Medical equipment for District Hospital Kishtwar under CSR and Sustainability activity for FY 2020-21 for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-170/2020/1710 : Supply, Erection, Testing, Commissioning (SITC) and Transportation of Platform Mounted 250KVA, 11/0.433 KV, 3 phase copper wound oil immersed with OCTC type Distribution substation of Power House site office complex and newly proposed field Hostel at Dul of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-153/2020/1315 : Purchase of Toner/Drum Cartridges for Printers and WorkCenter (As per Technical Specifications attached in Annexure-PC) for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar,J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-24/2020-21/765 : Purchase of 01 Number X-Ray machine (300 MA) with installation and fittings under CSR activity for FY 2020-21 for Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-20/2020-21/745 : Wiring and Electrification of proposed additional 02 nos. Temporary Field Hostel building at Kiru HE Project near Power House site

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-23/2020-21/756 : Tiling around office area near Pot Head Yard at Kiru Site Office, Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-14/2020-21/711 : Construction of Road (Formation Level), Boundary Wall, Security Cabin & Main Gate of Proposed Combined Colony for Kiru & Kwar HE Projects, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-18/2020-21/743 : Repair Work of Field Hostels of Kiru HE Project at Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2020/844 : Upkeeping Services of CVPPPL Camp Office at NHPC Office complex, Sector-33, Faridabad (HR)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM (C&P)/NIT-17/2020-21/730 : Hiring of 07 No. Vehicles Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero for a period of 02 (two) years for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-16/2020-21/725 : Hiring of 02 Nos. Mahindra Imperio/Camper Double Cabin at Kiru HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, for a period of 02(two) years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM /(C&P)/NIT-22/2020-21/747 : Purchase of Desktops, UPS and Printers for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-15/2020-21/712 : Regular Measurement of discharge of river Chenab and Collection of water samples for silt analysis for Kiru H.E. Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT 163/2020/1532 : Up-keeping of site office at Power House Site of Pakal Dul HE Project for the period of one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-157/2020/1458 : Upkeeping including Sweeping, Cleaning, Watch & Ward of Ikhala Camp/Dangdhuran at Dam Site of Pakal Dul HE Project for One Year Period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-151/2020/1285 : Purchase of Automatic Reflectorless Electronic Total Station enabled with Tunnel Profiler and Scanning Mode (As per Technical Specifications attached in Annexure-P) for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-156/2020/1447 : R&M of D-5 Qtr., field hostel, A&B type Qtrs., bachelor accommodation and pantry in office building including sweeping & cleaning of F H rooms (inside and outside area), Bathrooms, open area, roads, office building, upkeeping of lawns & garden, operation & maintenance of sanitary fittings, water supply, electrical fittings, DG sets and supervision of all manpower for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT 162/2020/1526 : Restoration of Gangaided by-pass road damaged at National Highway and Bhandarkot side Downstream end road junction and construction of Culvert for cross drainage of water falling on road

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWARHEP/C&P/NIT/2020-21/01 : Fabrication and Installation of 3-D Comprehensive model of Spillway and Power Intake for Kwar HE Project at CWPRS, Pune (Scale1:70).

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-11/2020-21/697 : Purchase of Fire Extinguisher for AM/DM/Mgr/SM Offices & Executives/Sr. Officers Field Hostels at Kiru Site, Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-03/2020-21/471 : Supply, Installation, Support and Training of Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management Software (latest Version) for Kiru HEP, CVPPPL, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-12/2020-21/702 : Purchase of 01 No. Photocopier machine along with Trolley and voltage Stabilizer for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-10/2020-21/693 : Purchase of 03 No. Mild Steel tanks for HSD (High Speed Diesel) storage each of capacity 1000 Litre for Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-13/2020-21/705 : Installation of LAN (Local Area Network) at site office of Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-21/2020-21/746 : Hiring of 01 No. Bus (AC) BSVI with minimum seating capacity (19+1) for Kiru HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-09/2020-21/691 : Purchase of Electrical fixtures for office and Residential buiilding for Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM/(C&P)/NIT-07/2020-21/683 : Purchase of Furniture and Furnishing items for Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/C&P/NIT/2020-21/02 : Upkeeping of establishments of Kwar HEP at Kishtwar, Shalimar & Padyarna and observation of river Chenab for G&D data

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-158/2020/1444 : Providing Assistance Services in the office works of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K for One-Year Period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-01/2020-21/450 : Construction of Quality Control Lab at Kiru HE Project Site near Pothead Yard

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-19/2019-20/368 : Purchase of furniture items for Field Hostel and Bachelor''s Accommodation of Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-12/2019-20/275 : Electrification of Proposed Security barracks along with mess and Dining Hall near Pathernaki of Kiru H.E. Project at Kiru Site

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar HEP/P&C/NIT/2019-20/10 : Supply of Automatic Total Station for Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Plg/2020/HPTONER : Supply of HP printer Cartridges/Toners for Printers Installed in CVPPPL CO Jammu.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2020/385 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of hardware and software for ERP required in CVPPPL.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-160/2020/1498 : R&M of Bachelor Accomodation at hotel Hayat Kishtwar, including R&M of mess, cleaning & sweeping of building and watch & ward services for Pakal dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K for one-year period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Plg/2020/Upkeeping Services : Package I: Upkeeping Services for residential accomodations of CVPPPL for a period of 01 years Package II: Upkeeping Services for CVPPPL Corporate office, Jammu including Canteen Services for a period of 01 year Package III: Providing Technical services for CVPPPL C.O, Jammu for a period of 01 year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PLG/2020/AMC/C&P : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computers, Server and Printers for CVPPPL C.O Jammu for one year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PLG/2020/LGVC : Supply & Installation of Logitech Video Conferencing System along with two expansion microphones and Extension Cable

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2020/273 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of UPS with other allied items for CVPPPL C.O Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/GM/Plg/2020/274 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of UTM/Firewall for ERP at CVPPPL

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Plg/2020/GMC : Group Mediclaim Policy for employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects [P] Limited

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-152/2020/1298 : Purchase of Furniture and Furnishing items for Bachelor Accommodation at DSB & Semna Colony, Kishtwar for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-17/2019-20/358 : Providing Services for Electrical maintenance,record keeping and maintenance of other official works in the Administrative Building of Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-16/2019-20/349 : Upkeeping of field hostels and bachelors accomodation including sweeping, cleaning and providing of mess services for Kiru HEP at Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-15/2019-20/347 : Upkeeping of Kiru HEP Administrative building at Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-18/2019-20/361 : Upkeeping of Kiru site filed hostel by way of cleaning, sweeping, dusting of furniture and cleaning of toilets etc. and providing catering services

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/DGM(C&P)/NIT-13/2019-20/318 : Hiring of 02 Nos. Mahindra Bolero Power Plus ZLX at Kiru HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar for a period of 02(two) years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-145/2020/1101 : Renovation/Repair of quarters hired from DPS in Semna & DSB Colony for use of Pakal Dul HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-129/2019/652 : Purchase of AutoCAD 3D Civil 2019 Software for Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM/(C&P)/NIT-08/2019-20/150 : Supply of 01 No.125 kVA (3-phase,415 Volt) CPCB-II Silent DG Set with STD Manual Panel and allied accessories for Site office and Field hostel buildings at Pathernaki,Kiru HE Project,Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/19-20/ET/1 : Engineering,Procurement and Construction of Two Circular Shaped Head Race Tunnels of Length 7.35Km each to be excavated by two new independent TBMs and Associated Works for Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project,J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-142/2019/976 : Estimate for Office Pantry, Service Room, Store, Washroom & CGM Secretariat, Pakal Dul HE Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-06/2019-20/138 : Construction of Temporary Residential Buildings (i.e. Field Hostel of 20 Rooms for senior officers) along with Mess Facility near Dam Site of Kiru H.E. Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-131/2019/653 : Construction of Prefabricated site office, Bachelor Residential Units and mess cum canteen hall at Dam site for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-143/2019/1002 : Purchase of Medical Equipment for District Hospital Kishtwar under CSR and Sustainability activity for FY 2019-20 for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-144/2019/1003 : Purchase of Furniture Items for Govt. Schools in District Kishtwar under CSR and Sustainability activity for FY 2019-20 for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM/(C&P)/NIT-11/2019-20/223 : Hiring of 05 Nos. Vehicles (01 No. Toyota Innova Crysta, 02 Nos. Mahindra Scorpio & 02 Nos. Mahindra Imperio) at Kiru HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar for a period of 02(two) years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KwarHEP/P&C/NIT/2019-20/06 : Supply of Furniture, Sports & Utility Items pertaining to CSR Activities of Kwar HE Project, Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Cont-II/KIRU/Lot-02/002 : Construction of Kiru HM Works comprising of Radial Gates, Vertical Gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trashracks, Trashrack Cleaning Machine, Steel liner for Pressure Shafts etc.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Cont-II/KIRU/Lot-03/003 : Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Turbines, Generators, Associated Accessories and Auxiliaries, Auxiliary Electrical Equipment, Mechanical Equipment, 400 KV GIS, 400 KV Outdoor Pothead Yard Equipments and handing over to Employer all E&M equipment of 4 x 156 MW Kiru Hydroelectric Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Contracts/KIRU/MW/2015/Lot-01 : Civil Works for Construction of Diversion Tunnel, Concrete Gravity Dam, Intake, Pressure Shafts, Underground Power House and Tail Race Tunnels of Kiru HE Project (Lot-01)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/CGM/Plg/2019/272 : Supply, integration, implementation and Support of ERP Solution (on premises) in CVPPPL Corporate Office, Jammu and its Projects/Units

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM/(C&P)/NIT-10/2019-20/220 : Purchase of Desktops, Laptops, UPS and Printers for Kiru HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-07/2019-20/139 : Providing Barbed Wire fencing with concertina coil in between PMGSYs Chicha road to river end and Kishtwar Padder road to PMGSYs Galhar-Chicha Road of Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-05/2019-20/128 : Providing Barbed Wire Fencing With Concertina Coil along Kishtwar-Padder Road in between Pathernaki and Singhad nallah of Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-132/2019/563 : Construction of Field Hostel along with Mess and Recreation Facilities for Executive & Non Executive''s at Power House Site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-136/2019/722 : Supply and Installation of Computers, UPS and Printers for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-133/2019/589 : Supply and Installation of electrical items for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PLG/2019 : Design, Printing and Supply of CVPPPL Printed Wall Calendars

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Plg(C)/2019/GPAI : Group Personnel Accidental Insurance for Employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects (P) Limited

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-134/2019/590 : Supply and Installation of LED TV for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-130/2019/554 : Renovation/Repair of Govt. Middle School building at Arzi (Kwartanji) Zone Nagseni, Kishtwar for use of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kiru/SM/(C&P)/NIT-09/2019-20/160 : Supply of furniture items i.e. Classroom desks, Office Tables, Executive Chairs, Almirahas, Office Chairs, White boards and Pigeon hole almirahs at Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-139/2019/783 : R&M of Mess at D-5 Accommodation, Field Hostel, Ikhala Camp, Bachelor Accommodation and Pantry in Office Building including Cleaning and Sweeping of Field Hostel Rooms (inside and outside area), Lawns, Bathrooms, Open Area, Roads, D-5 Accommodation, Field Hostel, Ikhala Camp & Office Building etc of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-121/2019/350 : Supply, Erection/Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 02 Nos. DG Sets of 62.5 KVA, 01 No. DG Set of 125 KVA & 01 no. DG Set of 20 KVA Capacity at different locations for use of Pakal Dul HE project, Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/KWAR/NIT/2019-20/08 : Construction of Retaining Wall, Breast Wall, Water Supply, Sewerage System etc. for Site Office of Kwar HEP at Padyarna, Kishtwar.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PLG/2019/AMC1 : Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer, Server, Peripheral and Networking Devices for CVPPPL CO Jammu for One Year

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Plg(C)/2019/Mediclaim : Group Mediclaim Policy for Employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects [P] Limited

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-123/2019/375 : Renovation/Repair of Office Complex Block 2 and construction of CGI Shed/Room in DSB Colony for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-122/2019/363 : Internal Electric Wiring of CGM office complex II/Geology Building (Remaining portion) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-127/2019/490 : Supply of 150 Nos. Solar Lights and 200 Nos. of Steel Dust Bin to issue Municipal Committee, Kishtwar under R&R Plan of the project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-124/2019/419 : Purchase of work centre printers (MFP) and Peripherals for Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-128/2019/511 : Supply of water through water tanker (8000 Litre) at Hotel Hayat, Malipath, Kishtwar for a period of one year.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-02/2019-20/56 : Laying of LT distribution network for existing site office and proposed buildings at Power House Site of Kiru H.E. Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-03/2019-20/57 : Electrification of Proposed Temporary Field Hostel Buildings at power house site of Kiru H.E Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-125/2019/436 : R&M of Mess at D-5 Accomodation, Field Hostel, Ikhala Camp, Bachelor Accomodation and Pantry in Office Building including cleaning and sweeping of Field hostel rooms (inside and outside area), Lawns, Bathrooms, Open area, roads, D-5 Accomodation, Field Hostel, Ikhala Camp & Office Building etc of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-118/2019/296 : Hiring of 04 Nos. Tata Sumo Gold EX BS IV for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP[P] Limited, Kishtwar for a period of two (02) years

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-04/2019-20/98 : Providing Barbed Wire fencing with concertina coil around the acquired Project area at Pathernaki of Kiru HE Project Kishtwar (Phase-I)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/C&P/Pakal Dul/HM-Pkg/2018 : Design, Procurement, Manufacture, Inspection, Shop Assembly, Testing, Painting, Transportation, Site Storage & Site Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Radial Gates, Vertical gates, Stoplogs, Gantry Cranes, Trashracks, Steel Liner for Pressure Shafts of Pakal Dul HE Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar HEP/P&C/NIT/2019-20/04 : Supply and Installation of (Prefabricated Unit) Temporary Site office (55' x 25') for Kwar HEP, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/P&C/NIT/2019-20/03 : Upkeeping of Administrative Office complex building, B-type Quarters, A-type Quarters and Villa 55A of Kwar H.E Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-120/301 : Providing of Services for facilitating the smooth functioning of office work of Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K for one-year period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-117/2019/282 : Construction of septic tank & soak pit for site office cum field hostel at Drungdhuran Dam site of Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-119/299 : R&M of Bachelor Accomodation at Hotel Hayat Kishtwar including R&M of mess, sweeping & cleaning of building including R&M of electrical, water supply system & watch & ward of Pakal Dul HE project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K for one year period

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-116/2019/279 : Internal Electric Wiring of CGM office complex II/Geology Building (left side) of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-106/2019/55 : Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 1 No. (125 KVA capacity) DG Set for Pakal Dul H.E. Project, Kishtwar (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-22/2018-19/265 : Construction of Security barrack, Two Rooms, Mess & Dining Hall for 30 persons along with development of benches at Pathernaki of Kiru H.E. Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-01/2019-20/26 : Regular measurement of discharge of river Chenab & Collection of water samples for silt analysis for Kiru H.E Project

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-23/2018-19/266 : Development of platform for 33/11 KV receiving station with fencing and road connectivity near temporary site offices of Kiru HEP at site.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM/(C&P)NIT-21/2018-19/257 : Purchase of Solar Street/Security Lights for Surrounding Area Illumination of Kiru Site Offices

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-111/2019/82 : Hiring of 02 Nos. Force traveller BS IV (AC) Minibus for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP[P] Limited, Kishtwar for a period of two (02) years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-105/2019/127 : Construction of kitchen store in Transit Camp/Guest house of Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-115/2019/238 : Hiring of 03 Nos. Mahindra Scorpio S7 for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP[P] Limited, Kishtwar for a period of two (02) years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-104/2019/63 : Upkeeping of A&B type (Semna Colony) Field Hostel including sweeping, cleaning & providing mess services for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K for one year period.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-110/2019/81 : Hiring of 01 No. Mahindra Imperio (DC) BS IV for Pakal Dul HE Poject, CVPP[P] Limited, Kishtwar for a period of two (02) years.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-112/2019/83 : Hiring of 06 Nos. Tata Sumo Gold EX BS IV for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP[P] Limited, Kishtwar for a period of two (02) years

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-24/2018-19/277 : Providing Services for Electrical maintenance, record keeping and maintenance of other official/secretarial works in the Administrative Building of Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-18/2018-19/219 : Upkeeping of Field hostels and bachelors accomodation including sweeping, cleaning and providing of mess services for Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM (C&P)/NIT-17/2018-19/217 : Upkeeping of Kiru HEP Administrative building at Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-15/2018-19/209 : Upkeeping of Kiru Site Office by way of cleaning, sweeping, dusting of furniture and cleaning of toilets and providing of attendant for Kiru site including provision of security in night at site office

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM(C&P)/NIT-16/2018-19/212 : Upkeeping of Kiru Site field hostel by way of cleaning, sweeping, dusting of furniture, cleaning of toilets etc. and providing catering services

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM/ (C&P) NIT-13/2018-19/195 : Supply and Installation of Automatic Weather Station at Pathernaki (Dam Site) under Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar, (J&K)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Cont-II/Security/2019 : Deployment of Security guards through DGR sponsored agency with arms, without arms & supervisor at CVPPPL Corporate Office Building and CVPPPL Executive Transit Camp and Bachelors accomodation at Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Cont-II/Residential/2019/1476 : Upkeeping Services for Residential Accomodation i.e Senior Officers Transit Camp/ Executive Camp/ Bachelor Accomodation of CVPPPL at Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Cont-II/Services/2019/1475 : Upkeeping Services for CVPPPL C.O building at Railhead Complex, Jammu i.e Chenab Jal Shakti Bhawan, Jammu including Canteen Services

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Cont-II/Technical/2019/1477 : Technical Services for CVPPPL C.O building at Railhead Complex, Jammu

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PakalDul/Bridge/2019 : Design and Construction of one no. approximately +- 97 meter clear span 70R double lane Steel Truss/Girder Bridge over river Chenab at Kwar(Dul),Kishtwar,J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M)M)/NIT-85/2018/587 : Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 2 Nos. (50KVA capacity each) DG Set and 2 Nos. (20KVA capacity each) DG Set for power backup in Offices at dam Site (Drangdhuran) and power house site (DUL) of pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-07/2018-19/60 : Electrification of Proposed Engineer''s Office Building, DM/AM Office & Manager''s Office Building of Kiru H.E Project at Kiru Site

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar/P&C/NIT/2018-19/08 : Fabrication of Spillway and Intake for Reservoir sluicing model at CWPRS Pune for Kwar HE Project Kishwar (J&K) (Scale 1:100)

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/SM/(C&P) NIT-14/2018-19/203 : Purchase of Toner/Ink Cartridge for printers at Kiru HEP Project Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-102/2018/634 : Purchase of Computers, Laptops and Peripherals for Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-12/2018-19/152 : Fabrication & installation of model parts for 3D comprehnsive Model (1:75 Scale) for spillway and Power Intake of Kiru H.E Project, J&K at CWPRS, Pune

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPPPL/Kwar HEP/P&C/NIT/2018-19/05 : Hiring of Three nos. Tata Sumo Gold EX BS IV for Kwar HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar for a period of two years

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/NIT-100/2018/694 : Fabrication and installation of 1:70 SCALE 3-D Model of Spillways (Surface & Tunnel Spillways) & Power Intake of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP[P] Ltd.,Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-96/2018/667 : Fabrication and installation of 1:100 SCALE 3-D Model of Spillways (Surface & tunnel Spillways) & Power Intake for Reservoir Flushing of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP[P] Ltd.,Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-101/2018/724 : Providing and Installation of water supply and sewage system for site offices at Power House site of Pakal Dul HE Project, (CVPPPL) Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/CO/Cont-II/Services/2018/1335 : Upkeeping Services for CVPPPL Camp Office, Ist Floor, Old CMD Sectt., Jyoti Sadan, NHPC Office Complex, Sector-33, Faridabad

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-08/2018-19/68 : Construction of Temporary Non-Residential Infrastructure (i.e Temp. Field Hostel of 20 Rooms) along with approach road and development of Benches (64 x 12 m) near Dam site of Kiru H.E Project, Kishtwar

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Cont-II/Pakal Dul/E&M-PKG/2017 : Design, Manufacturing, Supply, Transportation, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 4 x 250 MW Francis Turbine Generator units, complete in all respects along with associated auxiliaries and ancillary equipment and switchyard with all equipment etc. of 4 x 250 MW Pakal Dul Hydroelectric Project.

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-92/2018/591 : Wooden Flooring, Roofing (Falseceling), Dismantling existing old tiles, Painting of GI Roof sheet, Exterior Painting and Sanitary Installation in washroom of Transit Camp of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

एटेचमेंट देखें

CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P) NIT-09/2018-19/86 : Purchase of Computers,Printers & Peripherals for Kiru HE Project

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-78/2018/359 : Water Supply for Dam Site Guest House Complex and site office complex at Drungduran under Pakal Dul HE Project, (CVPPL) Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-97/2018/631 : Internal Electrical Wiring of Office blocks at power house Site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL,Kishtwar,J&K

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-91/2018/441 : Placing of Foundation stone at Power House site of Pakal Dul H E Project at Tamruchi Junction - Construction of Platform and development of area thereof for CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-04/2018-19/29 : Construction of Temporary Site Offices for Managers, DM/AM and Engineers near Dam Site of Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-10/2018/116 : Development of Area around the temporary site office and meeting hall near Pothead yard at Kiru

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CVPP/CO/CONT-II/2018/1161 : Hiring of Agency for Design and Development of on-line Application form as well as conductance of Written Test for supervisor (survey) in CVPPPL

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-06/2018/43 : Development of Platform and Sewerage line of Temporary Site Office near Pothead Yard at Kiru HE Project

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-86/2018/297 : Construction of approaches on left and right bank of river Chenab for Bhandarkot Bridge by way of Earthwork in cutting, filling and walling for Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/CO/Cont-II/2018/1051 : Group Mediclaim Policy for Employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects Limited, Jammu, J&K.

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CVPP/KWAR/Bridge/2018 dt: 14.05.2018 : Design and construction of one no. approximately 81 Mtr. span (Centre to Centre) 70R double lane Steel Truss Bridge over river Chenab at km 3.55 of proposed main Project Road for Kwar H.E. Project, Kishtwar

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-05/2018/42 : Jungle Clearance of Acquired State land of Kiru HE Project, at Galhar near GREF Camp, Kishtwar

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-02/2018-19/17 : Construction of Temporary Site Engineer''s Hall and Driver''s Room near Pothead Yard of Kiru HEP, Kishtwar

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-81/2018/128 : R&M of Mess at D-5 accomodation, Field Hostel, Ikhala Camp, A-Type & B-Type Bachelor Accomodation including Cleaning and Sweeping of office Building, Field Hostel, D-5 inside and outside areas etc. of Pakal Dul H.E Project Kishtwar for the period of one year.

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-82/2018/23 : Construction of Site office (temporary) including Bench development at Power House site near Gratalan Nallah along the MAT road of Pakal Dul HE Project,CVPP,Kishtwar,J&K

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/2018/NIT-75/1284 : Disposal of Old & used vehicles against NIT exclusively for the employees posted in CVPP (Including retired/voluntary retired) on "As is where is" Basis at Pakal Dul HE Project,CVPPPL,Kishtwar,J&K".

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-80/2018/1476 : Construction of level platform for layout of prefabricated shelters for office accomodation and security barrack at Drungdhuran of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP, Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/Pakal Dul/Dam Pckg/2017 : Construction of Diversion Tunnel (along with HM works), Concrete Face Rockfill Dam(CFRD), Surface & Tunnel Spillway, Intake Structure, Two nos part Head Race Tunnel and Allied Structures of Pakal Dul H.E Project (1000 MW)

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CVPP/CO/Cont-II/2018/761 : Hiring of agency for conducting written examination for recruitment in CVPP

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CVPP/PLG(M)/2018/AMC1 : AMC of Server, Computers, Peripherals and Networking devices for CVPP C.O, Jammu for 2018-19

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CVPP/PLG(M)/2018/178 : Supply of Computers, Laptop, printers, Scanner and Electronic Stabilizer for CVPP C.O, Jammu

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-79/2018/1475 : Construction of balance work of realignment of by pass road for Gangaidad Zigs of kishtwar- Bhandarkot road stretch by way of cutting, protection work and cross drainages, PACKAGE A (RD118/750 to 119/550) & PACKAGE B (RD119/550 to RD 120/50) (As per Annexure R) for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP, Kishtwar (J&K)

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CVPP/PDHEP/C&P/M(M)/NIT-77/2018/1385 : Supply of Wooden Chassis for 320 feet, Bailey Suspension Bridge (BSB) at Power House site of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT- 51/2017-18/368 : Diamond core drilling including driving, ramming of drill holes for lowering of casing of NX & HX size for 2 Nos one of +(-) 167.70 mtrs (DD-16) & other of +(-) 179.20 (DD-17) mtrs depth including core preservation water percolation test as per GSI recommendation and relevant IS codes at every 1.50m interval in all types of strata at left bank of Dam site on the tunnel spillway alignment of Pakal Dul HE Project, Kishtwar.

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CVPP/Kiru/M/(C&P) NIT-17/2017-18/16 : Supply of 01 no. Total Station (TS16 A 1"R1000) for Kiru HE Project Kishtwar CVPP(P) Ltd.

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-27/17-18/36 : Providing Services for Electrical maintenance, record keeping and maintenance of other official/Secretarial works in the Administrative Building of Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-25/2018/11 : Repairing and Painting work of Kiru Office Building at Kishtwar

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CVPP/KIRU/M(C&P)/NIT/2017-18/24/10 : Consultancy Services for Architectural and Structural Design including landscaping of the proposed combined colony for Kiru & Kwar HE Projects

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-21/2017/576 : Construction of foundation for Pre-fabricated site offices of Senior Officers & D.M/A.M/Engineers near Dam site of Kiru H.E. Project, Kishtwar

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CVPP/KWAR/MANAGER (CIVIL)/NIT-02/2017-18/18 : Construction of main project road from RD 3005 m to Bridge RD 3580 m & Dam Top Road (length 850m) for KWAR H.E Project Kishtwar of total length of 1425 mtrs. Length (Package-4)

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CVPP/KWAR HEP/P&C/NIT-/2017-18/04 : Hiring of One No. Toyota Innova Crysta 2.4 GX 8 STR at Kwar HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years

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CVPP/KWAR/MANAGER (CIVIL)/NIT-02/2017-18/17 : Construction of main project road from RD 1995 m to RD 3005 m for KWAR H.E Project Kishtwar of 1010 mts. Length (Package-3)

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CVPP/KWAR/MANAGER (CIVIL)/NIT-02/2017-18/16 : Construction of main project road from RD 1000.0 m to RD 1995 m for KWAR H.E Project Kishtwar of total length 995 mts. Length (Package-2)

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CVPP/KWAR/MANAGER (CIVIL)/NIT-02/2017-18/15 : Construction of main project road from RD-50.0m near Chichingle Nallah to RD 1000m for KWAR H.E Project Kishtwar of 1050m. Length (Package-1)

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CVPP/PROC/2017/LANPRINTER : Supply of 02 No. LAN Printers for new Corporate Office Building, Jammu

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CVPP/Kiru HEP/P&C/M(M) NIT-28/2017-18/37 : Hiring of Two No. Tata Sumo Gold EX BS4 at Kiru HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-72/2017-18/1147 : Purchase of Desktop Computers (As per Annexure-A) for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-23/2017/582 : Upkeeping of Field Hostel including sweeping, cleaning and providing of mess services for Kiru HE Project Kishtwar

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-22/2017/581 : Upkeeping of Kiru Site Field Hostel by way of cleaning, sweeping, dusting of furniture, cleaning of toilets etc. and providing catering services.

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-16/546 : Providing Water Supply to Residential and Non Residential Buildings of Kiru HE Project

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-70/2017-18/1094/1125 : Collection of Gauge & Discharge data, collection of water samples at Drangdhuran Gauge site and sediment analysis of water in sediment Lab for PDHEP Kishtwar for a period of two years.

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CVPP/Pakal Dul/PH/2017 : Construction of Civil Works comprising of part Head Race Tunnels, Adits, Surge shafts, Pressure shafts, Valve House, Underground Power House, MIV cavern, Transformer Cavern, Adits and Access tunnels, Tail Race Tunnels, TRT outlet structure and Pothead yard etc. of Pakal Dul H.E Project J&K

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)NIT-19/2017/565 : Upkeeping of Kiru HEP Administrative building at Kishtwar

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-18/2017/560 : Repair/Renovation of Residential D-6 Quarter of Kiru H.E project, Kishtwar

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CVPP/Kiru/M(C&P)/NIT-20/2017/569 : Upkeeping of Kiru site office by way of cleaning, sweeping, dusting of furniture, cleaning of toilets and providing of attendant for Kiru site including provision of security in night at site office

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-71/2017-18/1037 : Construction of Portal of Main Access Tunnel (MAT) in Power House Area of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPL, Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/CO/Cont-II/2017/527 : Insurance coverage under Group Personnel Accidental Insurance Scheme (GPAI) for period of one year (16.01.2018 to 15.01.2019)

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-67/2017-18/1023 : "Hiring of One No. Mahindra Scorpio S6 Plus Intelli Hybrid for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, J&K for a period of two years."

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-68/2017-18/1025 : Hiring of 06 No.''s Tata Sumo Gold EX BS IV for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years.

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-69/2017-18/1031 : Hiring of One No. Toyota Innova Crysta 2.4 GX 7 STR at Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years.

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CVPP/CO/Cont-II/Services/2017/378 : Upkeeping Services for CVPP Camp Office Faridabad, NHPC Office Complex, Old CMD Sectt. Faridabad

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CVPP/CO/Cont-II/Services/2017 : Upkeeping Services for CVPP C.O building, Flat no. 301 & 306 (Royal Nest Apartment), Trikuta Nagar and Executive Transit Camp, House No. 112/1, Channi Himmat, Jammu

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CVPP/CO/Cont-II/Security/2017 : Deployment of Securiy guards through DGR registered agency with arms, without arms & Supervisor at CVPP Corporate Office Building and CVPP Executive Transit Camp at Jammu

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CVPP/Kiru HEP/P&C/M(M) NIT-15/2017-18/525 : Hiring of Two No. Mahindra Scorpio S6 Plus Intelli-Hybrid at Kiru HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years.

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CVPP/Kiru HEP/P&C/M(M) NIT-12/2017-18/522 : Hiring of One No. Toyota Innova Crysta 2.4 GX 8 STR at Kiru HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years.

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CVPP/Kiru HEP/P&C/M(M) NIT-14/2017-18/524 : Hiring of Two No. Mahindra Bolero ZLX BS4 at Kiru HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years.

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CVPP/Kiru HEP/P&C/M(M) NIT-13/2017-18/523 : Hiring of Two No. Mahindra Imperio DC BS4 (Pickup/ Camper) at Kiru HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-65/2017-18/919 : "Hiring of One No. Tata Safari Storme 2.2VX 4x2 Varicor 400 for Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPPP Limited, Kishtwar, for a period of two years."

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT- 53/2017-18/427 : Installation of Display Boards including fabrication, erection & writing at different locations of Pakal Dul HE Project, CVPP, Kishtwar (J&K)

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-55/2017-18/595 : Construction of Diversion Tunnel Outlet Road (RD 0.0 to RD 1200.00)m by way of earth cutting at Dam site of Pakal Dul HE Project (Package- E to H)

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-54/2017-18/594 : Construction of Diversion Tunnel Inlet (RD 0.0 to RD 4250)m by way of earth cutting at Dam site of Pakal Dul HE Project (Package-A to D)

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CVPP/CO/Cont-II/2017/119 : Group Mediclaim Policy for Employees of Chenab Valley Power Projects Limited, Jammu, J&K

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CVPP/KK/M/NIT-10/2017/449 : Installation of Local Area Network (LAN) in KK HEP Office Kishtwar

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CVPP/KK/SM/NIT-08/2017/417 : Demarcation of Project area of Kiru HEP with Burjis

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CVPP/KK/M(C&P)/NIT-09/2017/437 : Development of benches(Size: 60 x 10m and 40 x 10m) including protection & drainage work and construction of single lane internal road RD 0 to 570m long for Field hostel & Site offices near Dam site of Kiru H.E Project, Kishtwar.

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT- 52/2017-18/376 : Making seating arrangement by partitioning of hall for office at Pakal Dul HE Project (CVPPL) at Kishtwar, J&K

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-40/2017/115 : Construction of Attached Toilets & Extension of GS Sheet Roofing of PDHEP office at Kishtwar.

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CVPP/KK/SM(C&P)/NIT-03/2017/368 : Construction of Road to Dam Top from PMGSY Chichha Road (RD 2350m) of Kiru H.E Project

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CVPP/KK/SM(C&P)/NIT-07/336 : Upkeeping of Padyarna Office by way of Cleaning, Sweeping, Dusting of Furniture, Fixtures, Cleaning of toilets etc.

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CVPP/KK/SM(C&P)/NIT-04/2017/331 : Diamond Core Drilling including reaming of drill hole at RD+-162m in P/H drift including Core preservation, water percolation test as per GSI & IS code recommendations for Kru H.E Project, Kishtwar.

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CVPP/KK/SM(C&P)/NIT-06/17/335 : Taking Cross Section and marking of G&D site of Kiru and Kwar HE Projects

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CVPP/KK/SM(C&P)/NIT-05/2017/332 : Conducting Survey Work for Data Requirement for Kiru H.E Project-Civil Works Package (Lot-1) Regarding Construction Stage Drawings & Hydraulic Model Studies for Kiru H.E.P, Kishtwar

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CVPP/C&P/AMC/2016/01 : AMC of Computers, Peripherals and LAN Systems of CVPP Corporate Office,Jammu

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CVPP/2016-17/PROC/49 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System for under construction CVPP C.O, Rail Head Complex, Jammu.

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CVPP/2016-17/PROC/45 : Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Audio Video solution in Auditorium, Board Room, Reception, Chambers and Meeting Rooms along with Public addressing system in under constructed new CVPP C.O, Jammu.

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-38/2016/567 : Renovation of Explosive Magazines taken over from DPS, NHPC at Dul for Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPP Kishtwar.

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CVPP/PDHEP/M(C)/P&C/NIT-37/2016/552 : Renovation of Villa 57 and 58, taken over from DPS, NHPC for Pakal Dul H.E. Project, CVPP Kishtwar.

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CVPP/KK/GM/NIT-01/2016/242 : Construction of Road from PMGSY''s Galhar to Chicha Road to DT Inlet & Outlet of Kiru HE Project, Kishtwar.

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CVPP/CO/Pckg IV/2016 : Interior and Exterior works for CVPP Corporate Office Building at Rail Head Complex, Jammu.(Package-IV)

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-33/2016/331 : Cross-Section from deepest river bed level to 5m above from Highest Flood Level (HFL) on both banks of River Marusudhar for Diversion Tunnel (DT) of Pakal Dul H.E Project, Kishtwar.

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CVPP/PDHEP/M(C)/P&C/NIT-32/2016/322 : Hiring of 01 No. Mahindra Scorpio for 02 months in Pakal dul H.E Project, Kishtwar (not more than 03 year old)

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CVPP/CO/Pckg II/RT/2016 : Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Heating, Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) work for CVPP Corporate Office Building at Rail Head Complex , Jammu.(Package-II)

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-22/2015/707 : Providing protection work of towers and allied additional work around of Bailey Suspension Bridge at Power House site of Pakal Dul HE Project.

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-21/2015/706 : Providing protection on left side area over anchor block and cables protections work of Bailey suspension bridge at Power House site of Pakal Dul HE Project.

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-23/2015/708 : Providing protection work of uphill side,D/s of left anchor blocks along the road and catch water drain on both side of bridge at Power House site of Pakal Dul HE Project.

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CVPP/PDHEP/P&C/M(C)/NIT-28/2016/21 : Collection of Gauge & Discharge data, collection of water samples at Drangdhuran Gauge site and sediment analysis in Sediment Lab for a period of One Year for Pakal Dul HE Project.

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CVPP/KK/SM(C&P)/NIT-01/16/227 : Upkeeping of KK Projects Administrative Building by way of Cleaning, Sweeping, Dusting of Furniture, Fixtures, Cleaning of Toilets etc.

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CVPP/EMS/2016/154 : Upkeeping/ Chowkidari running and maintenance Services at Camp Office Cum Transit Camp Srinagar

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CVPP/NIT/GM(C&P)/2013/1001 : Notice Inviting Tender for “Construction of CVPP Corporate Office Building at Rail Head Complex”comprising of Civil, Sanitary & Plumbing, Fire Fighting and Electrical Works. Package No. -1

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CVPP/I.T&C/2013/2106 : Supply and installation/laying components / equipments for Local Area Networking of CVPP Corporate Office.

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CVPP/I.T&C/2013/2046 : Supply including installation of E-Attendance System (2 No.) for CVPP office 2nd /3rd floor of JKPCC Building at Rail Head Complex, Panama Chowk Jammu.

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